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This module supports upload of the sample objects into kbase. It accepts '.csv' and '.xls' files in the SESAR format. For specifics on the format visit the SESAR webpage here.

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master KBase SDK Tests codecov Total alerts

Setup and test

Add your KBase developer token to test_local/test.cfg and run the following:

$ make
$ kb-sdk test

After making any additional changes to this repo, run kb-sdk test again to verify that everything still works.

Uploader User Documentation

The sample uploader sdk application intends to make the uploading process for .tsv/.csv/.xls/.xlsx files with sample metadata information into the KBase SampleService quick and easy.

Input arguments

Required Arguments:

`sample_file` - input file, must be an '.xls','.xlsx','.tsv', or '.csv' file. Read more about the input file requirements in the `Input File Requirements` section

`file_format` - `SESAR` or `ENIGMA`. Format the upload file is in. This choice determines which column is used as the main identifier, and to small extent how columns are verified and placed into a controlled metadata field.

`description` - Description attached to the resulting Sample Set object. Should describe the relationship between the samples that are uploaded together.

`set_name` - Name of output `KBaseSets.SampleSet` object.

Optional input related arguments

`sample_set_ref` - Existing `KBaseSets.SampleSet` object to combine with input file.  

`header_row_index` - default=1 (1 indexed). Index (starting from 1) of the Column Name Headers

`id_field` - default='IGSN' if file_format="SESAR" and 'sampleid' if file_format="ENIGMA".

Optional Output related arguments:

`output_format` - Format for output OTU file template (.xlsx or .csv). No output is specified by default

`taxonomy_source` - Not currently supported.

`num_otus` - Number of OTU's (Operational Taxonomic Units) expected in output file

`incl_seq` - Whether to include sequence column in output OTU template file

`otu_prefix` - String prefix to use on the identifiers for each OTU

Input File Requirements

The input file should have 1 sample per row after the row that contains the column headers (specified by the header_row_index argument). Each sample must have an identifier field in order for the SampleSet to be uploaded successfully. This id field is the IGSN in the SESAR format and sampleid (no spaces) in the ENIGMA format.

Certain criteria need to be met for controlled fields which are listed in file here. Each of these validated fields require all values in that field to conform to a set of rules. For example, 'latitude' must be a number between -90.00 and 90.00.

There are some fields that have/will have different kinds of validation based on the kind of upload format you select. Currently the only field is the material field which will use different ontologies to understand the data.

For more complete information on the SampleService, not related to uploading, take a look at he SampleService documentation.

Upload Sample Profiles For Specific IGSNs

The sample uploader SDK interface allows users to upload sample profiles for specific IGSNs from the SESAR web service.

IGSN uploader interface workflow:

  1. The interface uses an endpoint provided by the SESAR web service to retrieve metadata of the sample.
  2. Retrieved sample profiles are then converted to a ‘.csv’ file in the SESAR format.
  3. Prepared SESAR file is uploaded into the KBase Sample Service using the above-mentioned User Documentation Uploader process.

Input arguments

igsns - IGSNs of samples separated by a comma, e.g., 'IEAWH0001, GEE0000O4’. The interface also accepts a LIST of IGSNs, e.g., ['IEAWH0001, GEE0000O4’].

Since this interface ultimately calls the User Documentation Uploader process mentioned above, all other arguments are exactly the same as the User Documentation Uploader process.

Future developments

  • Sample collision - Resolve repetitious user imports with the same IGSN into the Kbase Sample Service.
  • Sample access control - Sample access control is implemented via SampleSet as a group. SampleSet structure needs to be revised to implement access control for an individual sample.
  • IGSN owner update - The IGSN sample owners might update sample metadata on the SESAR system. Implementing Synchronization between Kbase Sample Service and SESAR system might be needed.

SampleSet specification

SampleSet specification used in this module:

typedef string sample_id;

typedef structure {
	sample_id id;
	string name;
} sample_info;

typedef structure {
	list<sample_info> samples;
} SampleSet;