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A project about sorting integer data using a predefined set of moves.

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To anyone in general, but fellow 42 students in particular: when faced with a problem, it is always better to attempt solving it first alone without consulting the previous works of others. Your precursors were no smarter than and just as fallible as you; Blindly following their footsteps will only lead you on the same detours they took and prevent you from seeing new, faster routes along the way.


A project about sorting integer data using a predefined set of moves.


42 Cursus C projects need to follow specific rules and formatting dictated by the 42 Norm.


This was a 42 cursus project focusing on algorithms and data structures. The aim was to sort a set of unique integers using "stacks" A and B, and as few of the following moves as possible:

  • swap A (sa), swap B (sb), swap both (ss)
  • push A (pa), push B (pa)
  • rotate A (ra), rotate B (rb), rotate both (rr)
  • reverse rotate A (ra), reverse rotate B (rb), reverse rotate both (rrr).


The course subject refers to the used data structures as stacks, although the moves allowed are more akin to list operations. My implementation uses a double linked list. For clarity's sake, however, these will be referred to as stacks in this README.


Git clone the repository, move into it and run make to compile the program.


Run the program with:

./push_swap "numbers"

"numbers" should be replaced with a set of unique integers between INT_MIN and INT_MAX. The input can be a single string of integers separated by whitespace, multiple strings of single integers or a combination of these. The output for valid input will be the moves required to sort these integers.


A brief description of my approach to the problem, the optimisations I made and possible areas that could be improved.


  1. Sort stack A elements into stack B in descending order, always pushing the element of stack A that requires the least amount of moves to push to the correct position in stack B. Leave 5-15 elements in stack A to be sorted separately.
  2. Sort remaining stack A elements in ascending order.
  3. Push elements from stack B back into stack A, reverse rotating if necessary.
  4. Rotate or reverse rotate stack A so that it starts with the smallest integer.


  • Checking if the stack is already in ascending order, but doen't necessarily start with the smallest integer (stacks of size 2 always belong to this set).
  • Special, hardcoded, cases for small stack sizes (3-5).
  • Noticing opportunities to utilise double rotate and double reverse rotate.
  • For larger sets, increase the amount of elements left in stack A to prevent (in the worst case) several counts of n/2 rotates.

Possible improvements

  • Adjust the number of elements to be left in stack A and sorted separately dynamically based on the number of initial stack items. With my current understanding (gained with repeated testing, not through mathematical models), the sweet spot is to leave ~3% of the stack in A.
  • Refactoring. The idea to increase the number of elements to be left in stack A came after almost two weeks of struggling to push worst case instances of 500 integers to below 5500 moves. The final implementation, especially functions in the ps_sort.c file, could be written and named more clearly.
