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Ecology Paper Release

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@kallisons kallisons released this 27 Dec 20:32
· 3 commits to master since this release


NOAH LSM Mussel v2.0 is a mathematical model that predicts mussel bed temperatures from atmospheric and oceanic data by mimicking the thermal properties of a mussel bed exposed to tidal inundation and wave run-up. The model is derived from the National Weather Service NOAH Land Surface Model. In v2.0, it is possible to change the within mussel bed contact which determines conductive heat transfer. Mussel survival is predicted using mussel bed temperatures from the model.

Please cite the following papers if you use this code:


Mislan, KAS and DS Wethey. 2015. A biophysical basis for patchy mortality during heat waves. Ecology.


Wethey DS, LD Brin, B Helmuth, and KAS Mislan. 2011. Predicting intertidal organism temperatures with modified land surface models. Ecological Modelling 222:3568-3576.


Chen F, and J Dudhia. 2001. Coupling an advanced land surface-hydrology model with the Penn State-NCAR MM5 modeling system. Part I: Model implementation and sensitivity. Monthly Weather Review, 129:569-585.

Ek MB, Mitchell KE, Lin Y, Rogers E, Grunmann P, Koren V, and JD Tarpley. 2003. Implementation of Noah land surface model advances in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction operational mesoscale Eta model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012), 108(D22).