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Releases: jwoertink/fez


21 Jul 15:02
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This release includes some fixes to the generated templates


25 Mar 20:37
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This release just cleans up some of the code, and bumps up the Crystal version constraint so you can use it with Crystal 1.0


12 Apr 23:06
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Thanks to @juanmougan for fixing an issue where ICR would fail to install since moving repo locations.


12 Apr 16:48
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Another year of spring cleaning!

Thanks to @Acciaiodigitale for the Crystal 0.34 support, and helping to clean up a few things.

Spring Cleaning

20 May 16:37
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In this version I basically just removed kemalyst, but not because I don't love that project. Those guys are making some serious headway in their project, and have built their own generator. If you're looking to generate a kemalyst app, you can now use KGen. 🎉

I have also removed the crustache dependency. I think that may have been the cause of the homebrew issues. Also, thanks to @drujensen for the help and support of fez, I have left the structure he set in place which will allow me to start adding more templates for kemal generation!

As always, if you find any issues, let me know!


  • No longer generating kemalyst app
  • Removed crustache dependency
  • Removed framework -f option
  • Fixed bug in ECR template generation

Refactoring build process

21 Mar 21:45
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When running make, it will now clean all the old cache files and folders, then reinstall shards before building the final release. This release doesn't change any work flow, but hopefully fixes the home brew install method.

Introducing Frameworks

07 Dec 18:17
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Thanks to @drujensen we can now start adding more to fez to make it more powerful. By default, and at the heart, Fez will remain a kemal application generator. However, if you're looking to generate a "rails-like" MVC app, you can do that with fez now!

Fez now supports Kemalyst with the --framework option.

Use fez to generate the following types of apps:

  • Kemal with slang views (default)
  • Kemal with ECR views
  • Kemal as a JSON API (no views)
  • Kemalyst with ECR (full MVC framework)

If you run in to any issues, be sure to submit an issue!

Now with API building

16 Nov 19:27
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This release adds in the ability to generate an API only kemal app. If your app doesn't need views, css, or javascript, then you can generate a slimmed down structure. This generated API will be JSON based by default, and include versioning.


25 Oct 23:20
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In this release, there's been some major refactoring. The major changes are

  • You can now choose ECR as your templating engine
  • The default spec is generated
  • bug fixes

Now with deployment!

24 Oct 17:46
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This update adds in some deployment tasks using Capistrano. For now it's a basic setup meant for deploying from a github repo to a VPS. You have the ability to alter it however you need though.

If you find any issues with how the default capistrano is setup, please submit an issue or PR.