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GitHub Action for Automated Versioning with Conventional Commits

GitHub Action to automatically generate version numbers based on conventional commits

Design Descisions

  • Easily generate automatic version numbers based on conventional commits spec.
  • Should work with any language or repository structure
  • Should be used a building block and not try to manage the whole versioning process. (although may handle optional tagging in the future with the mode input)


- uses: jveldboom/action-conventional-versioning@v1
    # GitHub token with read access to repo
    # Default: github.token
    github-token: ''

    # Default version bump (major, minor or patch)
    # Used when unable to calculate the bump from the commit messages
    # For example when not using conventional commits
    # Default: patch
    default-bump: ''

    # Ignore prereleases when calculating the next version (true or false)
    # Default: false
    ignore-drafts: ''

    # Ignore draft releases when calculating the next version (true or false)
    # Default: false
    ignore-prereleases: ''

    # Set the versioning mode to run (future use-case)
    # Default: default
    mode: ''


Name Description
version full semantic version number (1.2.3)
version-with-prefix version number with v prefix (v1.2.3)
major major version number
major-with-prefix major version number with v prefix (v1)
minor minor version number
patch patch version number
bump version bump type (major, minor, or patch)

Example Use-Cases

Auto version on any push to the main branch

This example will create a new GitHub release on any push to the main branch as well as update the floating major version (eg v1)

name: release

      - main

  contents: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - uses: jveldboom/action-conventional-versioning@v1
        id: version

      - name: Create GitHub Release
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
        run: |
          gh release create "${{ steps.version.outputs.version-with-prefix }}" \
            --generate-notes \
            --target "${{ github.sha }}"

      - name: Update Major Tag
          MAJOR: ${{ steps.version.outputs.major }}
        run: |
          git tag -d ${MAJOR} || true
          git push origin :refs/tags/${MAJOR}
          git tag ${MAJOR} ${GITHUB_SHA}
          git push origin ${MAJOR}


I'll take all the help I can get so please feel free to contribute in anyway! Spelling & grammar errors, improve testing. Please check out the TODO list below for known items I'd like to resolve.

# install dependencies
yarn install

# unit tests
yarn test:watch

# lint code via standardjs
yarn lint

# build distribution bundle
yarn build


  • Release v1 of action
  • Workflow to run regresssion tests with compiled action
  • List action in marketplace
  • Improve index.js file
    • Should it be simplified and wrapped in a try/catch?
    • How can we get 100% test coverage on it?
  • Output version bump (major, minor, patch) No specific use case but I believe it will be useful
  • Add version suffix that are semver
  • Improve integration testing to cover all use-case. May require the ability to pass in a list of commits
  • Better error messaging for all GH API calls.
    • This call is currently only caught by outside try/catch



This action is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.