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theHangedManWpf :

After turning on the game, you have 11 lives to guess the word that was randomly generated for you. If you succeed, you can add yourself to the list of players, if you don't guess, hang the guy and you can repeat the game.

Project Overview

This project follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern. It incorporates various techniques and features to enhance the user experience and maintain code organization.

Key Features and Techniques Used:

MVVM Architecture:

The project utilizes the MVVM architecture, which separates the application into three distinct layers: Model, View, and ViewModel.


Commands are used to execute actions in response to user input. This enhances the interactivity of the application.

Data Binding:

Data binding is employed to establish a connection between the UI elements and the ViewModel. This enables automatic synchronization of data between the two.

Navigation Techniques:

Navigation techniques are implemented for seamless transition between different views within the application. This ensures a smooth user experience.


The NavigationStore is utilized to manage the current display state and facilitate navigation between different views.

Validation and Error Handling:

The application employs validation techniques to ensure the accuracy and integrity of user input. Error messages are displayed as needed to guide users.


Services play a crucial role in various aspects of the application, including evaluating letter guessing, loading players, writing players to a file, and XML serialization.

Technologies Used:

  • MVVM Architecture: For clear separation of concerns and maintainability.
  • Commands: For executing user actions.
  • Data Binding: For automatic synchronization between UI and ViewModel.
  • Navigation Techniques: For smooth navigation between views.
  • NavigationStore: For managing view states and navigation.
  • Validation and Error Handling: For ensuring data integrity and guiding users.
  • Services: For encapsulating business logic and performing various tasks.

By leveraging these techniques and technologies, the project aims to provide an intuitive and efficient user experience while maintaining clean and organized code.


Simple game where you try to guess the word and not hang the man.







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