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Gambas Shell

Gambas 3.17 is now available as a backport for debian and ubuntu, even available for Raspberry OS 64 bit!

Update for new Releases of DEBian/mint/ubuntu, This is the prefered method of installing executables

sudo -i
curl -s --compressed "" | gpg --dearmor > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/westwood-archive-key.gpg
sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gsh.list ""
sudo apt update

Older Versions of - Ubuntu/Debian/Mint installation packages available to add to apt source list

curl -s --compressed "" | sudo apt-key add -
sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gsh.list ""
sudo apt update

Note all versions of the libraries and components used by gsh must be 3.18

Note Bug Fix for Gambas 3.17 and above

You need to update the version of gsh to 1.3.106 or greater before updating to Gambas to 3.17 or above. A bug fix in gambas which changed how WAIT instruction works caused GSH to fail!

Note on latest gambas daily 02/20/2022

If you find that your alias substitution has stopped working and if you are using the latest PPA: gambas daily, there was a change in gambas3 as to how objects are written to memory, which seems to making the alias process fail. So to fix this you need to make sure that /dev/shm/ is empty and then ~/vars/gsh.image is deleted. The image contains the environment and used the old object format.

I would really appreciate some feedback!

If you are cloning or forking this project, I would really appreciate some feedback and suggestions from everyone who is using or trying to use this shell.

Also if you would like to contribute to this project please drop me an email!

New Install process

To install the latest version of gsh and its dependencies, download and install the gshinstall for your distribution
Listed are the keys to each distribution version:\

fedora/red hat/centos   - gshinstall-......fdr.noarch.rpm
opensuse/suse           - gshinstall-.....suse.noarch.rpm
Ubuntu/kbuntu/mint...   - gshinstall_....._0ubuntu._all.deb
debian and derivitives  - gshinstall_...._all.deb

Then run the command:\

   sudo gshinstall

from the command line after the installation completes.

This supports ubuntu/kubuntu/mint.., fedora/redhat/centos, debian or derivatives of these root distros.

What's new

See the detailed documentation at:

Source Code can be found here :

And Here :

Requires gambas

Requires the latest version of gambas. See the documentation on the wiki\

The latest stable release for openSUSE can be installed with one click Here
OpenSUSE also requires libnotify-tools for some functions : These should be installed by gshinstaller

             zypper install libnotify-tools
             zypper install html2text

The latest gambas3 for debian is available by adding the boolworm repository to bullseye, after installing gambas3 then updating gambas3 in synaptic package magater add: bookworm main
   in symaptic, select search for gambas3, then mark all for update
   when completed
   some functions require inotify-tools and  html2text be installed - these should be installes by gshinstaller

The latest ubuntu/mint version can be found Here

1.3.104 Many Bug fixes, Expansion has been improved

New: Better brace expansion using notation $"expansion" may be used anywhere in the code.

   for each i as integer in $"01..10"
      print i;;
   >1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
   for each i as string in $"01..10"
      print i;;
   >01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
   print $"a{01..10}".join(" ")
   >a01 a02 a03 a04 a05 a06 a07 a08 a09 a10
   touch $"a{01..10}"
   ls a*
   >a01 a02 a03 a04 a05 a06 a07 a08 a09 a10
   touch $"a{01..10}.py"
   touch $"a{01..10}.bat"
   touch $"a{01..10}.bin"
   > a01      a01.bin  a02      a02.bin  a03      a03.bin  a04      a04.bin  a05      a05.bin  a06      a06.bin  a07      a07.bin  a08      a08.bin  a09  
   a09.bin  a10      a10.bin a01.bat   a02.bat   a03.bat   a04.bat   a05.bat   a06.bat   a07.bat 
   a08.bat   a09.bat   a10.bat   
   echo $"*.{bat,py}"
   >a01.bat a02.bat a03.bat a04.bat a05.bat a06.bat a07.bat a08.bat a09.bat a10.bat

1.3.34 The Last update error cd and other builtin subroutines required quote around path names

This has been resolved with this fix

Update asap to the latest version

The commit 1.3.34-36 had an error I induced that causes redirection to fail and exported environment variables to fail on the cli.

New: The latest Version now supports embedded cli into a gambase statement. For example:

if `ls | tr [a-z] [A-Z] > $a` = 0 then 
  print $a
  echo the cli failed

Any cli command line may be enclosed in back ticks ` and may be used anywhere in a gsh script that a gambas function can be used. Note that this differs from thier use in BASH/CSH.

Something to note when using gsh

In gsh subroutines/Functions/Procedures are not gsh script they are gambas plugins to the gsh shell they support the Alias process and cli interface but you can not use the Edit/listing etc internal commands. To do that you need to author a gsh script file. Example:

vim MyScript
   add Content Like:
ls /
 dim a as integer = 1
 print a
$b = [1,2,3,4,5]
edit $b
?? $b
   Then save the file and do: 
 chmod 766 MyScript

Updated Wiki with getting started - intro to gsh

First pass at an introduction guide.. Will be adding more in the future.

The latest release 1.3 has a large number of fixes and enhancement, with simplifications of much of the shell

the install packages may be downloaded using the following command examples, substitute your package version as needed. Adding the plugin commands :

    browse       - open the current directory in the default filebrowser
    google       - open the fierfox or chrome browser with the provided search results
Two new clipboard functions have been added, they both require that xclip be installed

    toclipboard   - copy the content of a file to the clipboard. With an alias of tcb
    fromclipboard - print the content of the clipboard to std out.with an alias of fcb
       open the default file browser   - browse "/"
       do a internet lookup            - google "fast cars"
       Write to clipboard              - tcb "myfile.txt"
       view content of clipboard       - !fcb | less 
       Capture clipboard to a file     - !fcb > "myfile"...
       Capture clipboard to a variable - !fcb > $a

See the detailed documentation at:

Source Code can be found here :

And Here :

Note: The release 12-27-2020 was a complete mess as far as input output redirection went. Please update to the latest version as soon as possible.

Documentation for gsh at

Gambas shell gsh for linux required Gambas3 3.15.3 or higher. This can be used as a complete bash shell replacement. Very useful for education and general scripting of tasks in your system. GSH integrates many of the features of posix shells with the more regular language structure provided by 'GAMBAS almost means BASIC.'


If the shell acts strange, delete the ~/var/gsh.image and any /dev/shm/gsh and /dev/shm/col you find there then restart gsh, for a clean restart. Use savesubs and saveclass commands often to save your work.

Whats New

Because of some required features it is now required to have latest gambas3. Sorry but it makes things a little easier. the official release of gambas3 15.3 I believe to be April this year(maybe).

Use the ppa 
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas-daily
  sudo apt-get update
  or clone from
  And follow the detailed description to build for your version of linux

Only the Ubuntu and Mint Versions of linux have been well tested so far. So be careful with the other. Please report any issues thanks.

With update 1.2.65 the structure of the shell commands has changed. So if you are updating from a revision before 1.2.65 then please run clearsubs on the first start, exit gsh and restart it. Remember to save all your personal subs/functions/procedures before clearing the in memory subs. This ensures the use of the new structure.

Clearing the subs is a good idea after each release if you can.

Clear subs using : clearsubs ' Subroutines are loaded into the gsh.image on first use

Save your personal subs using : savesubs "sub1" "sub2" ....

If you want to use gsh as your login script then you must add an entry to the /etc/shells add this line at the end: /usr/bin/gsh

Change the defult shell in your user account. Or the /etc/passwd file depending on your linux release.

Better still use 'chsh -e /usr/bin/gsh' command to change your shell. Be sure to log out and back in for it to take effect.

See the Wiki for more details:


See the detailed documentation at:

Source Code can be found here :

And Here :


Gambas shell gsh for linux a Gambas3 Syntax shell replacement for bash




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