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Order of Things To Deal With

juliema edited this page Nov 13, 2013 · 4 revisions
  1. Finish merging branches together and speeding up the library creation step. DONE

  2. Correct autocomplete -- in the process make it so the 1st 100 bp are in the complete gene that is being blasted against. DONE

  3. Make it so the contig from the previous iteration is used in the assembly. DONE

  4. Remove paired end option so people can run it if they don't have a paired end library.

  5. Output the number of blast hits in the result file.


  1. Figure out optimal number of processors to run on the cluster. DONE its 5 for this library.

  2. tblastn for phum next -- RAN -- NEED TO ANALYZE THE REST. LOOKS GREAT! now test with autocomplete!

maybe not going to happen for this manuscript? 2. Test paired end tweak the velvet line from paired to non paired

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