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비밀이다 🤫


Please install Yarn to be able to run this project! You may need to install Homebrew or other package manager of choice to get yarn :/

Once you have that all set up, clone the repo, cd superstar-hangul and run npm install to download the repo's dependencies. Finally, run yarn start to run the app. That should launch the main page of the app. 화이팅!!


In general, style is enforced by the linter which runs during every code change you make while yarn start is running. So, make sure to resolve any errors or warnings after you've made code changes and before you commit!

On top of that, this codebase is using 2 spaces as the indent. The linter should yell about any inconsistencies.

Pro-tip: Check the terminal output to see what new errors or warnings arise when you've completed an incremental change. This makes it way easier to fix them over time as opposed to tackling 30 at the end.

Regular incremental commits are encouraged as long as they are relatively complete chunks of logic that are isolated or don't drastically break the game. Breaking changes that are committed to master make it hard for contributors to work in parallel.


The current latest supported npm version for this project is 6.9.0. Check yours with npm -v.

Cleaning Repo

Untracked files

Have random files unintentionally floating around in your repo? As long as you've committed or stashed the stuff you actually want to hold on to, you can do git clean -fx in your repo to delete all untracked files (files that the git repo thinks are "new"/files that you have not committed). This includes ones hidden by the .gitignore that have yet to be committed.

Re-birthing your node_modules

If your dependencies get messed up, you can nuke your node_modules via rm -r node_modules and reinstall with npm install. You may also want to do a npm audit fix if, at the end of the install, it spits out a warning about vulnerabilities that may need fixing via that command.


비밀이다 🤫






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