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This library allows managing DB migrations using the command line. While there are other libraries out there that achieve this, they either come bundled with ORMs and other larger frameworks, or are SQL based making them DBMS dependant.

The inspiration behind Migrate was to create a migration system that simplifies the variety of DBMS SQL language variations into a simple perl-based language that allows handling DB schema changes, without removing the ability to write SQL commands for specific/advanced tasks completely.

The library uses a plugin paradigm allowing the creation of a plugin for any given DBI driver.

The command line tool can perform five different actions: setup, status, generate, run and rollback.

The setup action

This is the first command action you'll have to execute before any other action. If you try to use other actions before setting migrate up your receive a message prompting you to run setup first.

The setup command creates a db folder under the current directory. This db folder will contain the DB config file as well as the migrations you'll generate with the generate action. It will actually create two files: db/, and db/ The db/ file is properly excluded from a git repo using a .gitignore file.

You need to edit db/ file to configure the database DSN and additional connection properties. The db/ will be uploaded to your repo and will serve as a template for other developers to use as their db/ file.

Running the setup action again will have no effect. Nevertheless, running the setup action when only the db/ file is missing will use the existing db/ as a template.


migrate setup

The standard configuration options are:

  • dsn: The database DSN string as expected by the DBI library.
  • username: The username used to connect to the database.
  • password: The password used to connect to the database.
  • attr: Additional DBI connection properties expected by the specific driver in use.
  • on_connect: Is an anonymous function that will run immediately after a DB conection has been stablished. It receives the created $dbh object and will allow further customizations to the database connection.
  • id: Is an anonymous function that receives a pluralized and singularized table name as parameters, and must return the primary key column name. This function is called prior to adding a primary key to a table to determine the primary key column name. If the option is not provided then primary key columns will be named id.
  • foreign_keys: If set to true it will force the generation of foreign keys for reference columns. The default value is false. See the generate action documentation for further info.
  • add_options: If set to true it will add additional SQL options after a CREATE TABLE definition as specified by the create_table method options key. If false, table options will be ignored and will not be added to the generated SQL command. The default value is false. For more information see the create_table method documentation.

Additional configuration options can be available depending on the migrate plugin implementation.

The generate action

Once the DB connection is setup correctly you can start creating migrations. The generate action will allow you to do just that. The basic syntax will receive a (--nameor -n) parameter and will generate a perl file under the db/migrations containing an up and down functions you'll use to add your migration code.

migrate generate -n my_migration_name

The above example generates a migration file named were YYYYMMDDhhmmss refers to the current timestamp followed by the name you specified. The command prints the path of the newly generated file.

You can further modify the generated perl file to perform additional actions or detail you migration even more. The up and down functions receive two parameters: the migrate handler object $mh that provides an API to modify the database, and a DBI database handler $dbh that will allow running custom/advanced SQL commands or even query existing data so you can migrate the current data to a new format as well. For detailed documentation on the handler API read the wiki migrate handler page.

The name IS important!

A command like the previous one generates a file based on a generic template, and you'll have to write your migration code completely from scratch. But there are certain migration magic names that will use other helpful templates.

  • create_<table_name>: This migration will use a template prepopulated with a create_table statement and will use the rest of the migration name as the table name to create.
  • add_<column_name>_to_<table_name>: This migration will use a template prepopulated with an add_column statement and will use the rest of the migration name as the column and table names correspondingly.
  • drop_<table_name>: This migration will use a template prepopulated with a drop_table statement and will use the rest of the migration name as the table name to drop.
  • remove_<column_name>_from_<table_name>: This migration will use a template prepopulated with a remove_column statement and will use the rest of the migration name as the column and table names correspondingly.

All magic names will also add the corresponding down actions. Additionally, every magic name can receive further options so that they can prepopulate more than just the table name. Take into account the generated files are just templates which can be further customized later.

The --column or -c option

The -c option adds a column to a create_.. or drop_... migration and allows better specifying column properties for add_..._to_... or remove_..._from_.... This option has the following syntax:

-c column_name[:datatype][:not_null][:index|:unique]

Available column properties are:

  • datatype: The list of available datatypes can vary for each Driver implementation but at the bare minimum all drivers implement: string, char, text, integer, bigint, float, decimal, numeric, date, time, datetime, binary and boolean. These types map to specific driver SQL datatypes e.g. string maps to CHARVAR on most DBMSs. Datatypes can add comma separated size and precision attributes e.g. float,20,3. If datatype is not specified string is used by default.
  • not_null: They specify a column as being NOT NULL.
  • index or unique: They specify whether to add a index or a unique index to the column. No index is added otherwise.

You can add as many columns as you desire by using the -c option many times.


migrate generate -n create_employee -c name:string,60:not_null -c age:integer:index -c email:unique

The --ref or -r option

The -r option is very similar to the -c option but generates a reference column instead. The generated SQL column name will be <column_name>_id, with an integer datatype by default. All this can be further customized if desired by editing the generated migration file (do not add the _id suffix). This option has the following syntax:

-r column_name[:datatype][:not_null][:index]

Refer to the -c option to get more information on the properties.

References do not create foreign keys by default. To force this, simply add the { foreign_key => 1 } options to the generated column code or setup the foreign_keys key in the db/ file (see the setup action). The foreign key will reference the id column of a <plural_column_name> table by default but this can be further customized as well.

The --tstamps or -t option

This options adds a timestamps method call that will ultimately create a created_at and updated_at columns to the table. This columns use the datetime datatype.

The status action

The status action will print a list of all known migrations. Every migration shows a status, the migration timestamp and its user friendly name.

The status can be any of the following:

  • [up] Means the migration has already been applied to the database.
  • [down] Means the migration has not been already applied to the database.
  • [*] Means there exists a migration registered in the database that doesn't have a corresponding file in the migration folder.

If instead of printing a user friendly migration name you prefer a file path use the --file or -f option.

The run action

Once we have our migrations in place is time to run them. Use the run action to execute all the migrations that have not been yet executed. You'll get a report of all the SQL statements that ran successfully. Every migration is executed as a transaction so if you get a failure in the middle of a migration the whole migration will be cancelled altogether and a report of the error will be printed to the console.


migrate run

The --dry or -d option

The dry option will print to console the SQL commands to run without executing any of them. This allows getting a preview of the migrations to be run.

The rollback action

If you need to undo the last ran migration you can use the rollback action. The rollback action will only undo one migration at a time. If you want to undo more than one migration use the --steps or -s option specifying the amount of migrations to undo.


migrate rollback


  • The App-DB-Migrate wiki.


Perl DB Migrations command line tool








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