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Stupid easy badge issuer for AWS Beanstalk Evironments.

Issue GitHub badges for your Beanstalk evironments that look like this:

alt text

alt text

alt text

alt text


For software projects that rely on multiple elasticbeanstalk environments for QA, Development, Production, Etc. it can often times be difficult for different functions of the team (QA, Developers, Project Owners, PM, Requirements people, etc.) to understand what version of the codebase is deployed, if the environment is up and running, and on what environment the code is deployed.

Badges are a simple way to call out environment status and version deployed in order to avoid confusion amongst the team.

Non-Supported Event Sources

Unfortunately ElasticBeanstalkis is NOT a supported event source for lambda. A more ideal architecture for this would be to have elasticbeanstalk fire off a environment change event and lambda would respond generating a badge and saving it as a static resource to S3

In the future (if AWS adds more event sources):

EB event > Lambda > S3 object (badge .svg)

You could then use the S3 object URL to show your badges and be hands off with this process


This is a task that could really be done with just the lambda function responding to a SNS topic. It doesn't really need to be build with this serverless framework and could be simpler. One of my goals for this project was really just to test of serverless framework and to learn more about lambda and golang

Unfortunately for now we are forced to generate the SVG return it as a binary image/svg type to the API Gateway. It's a little bit too much overhead for such a small task.


This project was used as a way for me to personally solve a problem using a "serverless" architecture. Please be careful when deploying this to your AWS environments and be aware of the resources its using. I claim no responsibility for charges incurred by deploying this code.

Running it in AWS

This project uses serverless framework to deploy and operate the serverless app.

in order to deploy to your AWS environment, install serverless and run:

serverless deploy

This will deploy the CloudFormation template created by serverless.yml and handle provisioning of resources, etc. needed to run the application

After deployment you should see a similar message to the following:

Service Information
service: elasticbeanstalk-badger
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: elasticbeanstalk-badger-dev
api keys:
  GET -{environmentId}
  getBadge: elasticbeanstalk-badger-dev-getBadge

You can now get a badge for your beanstalk environments by sending a GET request to the following url as listed above:{environmentId}

and replacing {environmentId} with the environment id you wish to get a badge for

Running it locally

Serverless has some features that allow you to run locally.

IAM Execution role

ElasticBeanstalk-badger uses the following IAM execution role to execute the lambda function that queries the requested environment for it's description.

iamRoleStatementsName: elasticbeanstalk-badger-describe-environments-lambda #optional custom role name setting instead of the default generated one
	- Effect: "Allow"
			- elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironments
		Resource: "arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:${self:provider.region}:*"

This execution role has the ability to DescribeEnvironments for any environment in the provider region belonging to any resource within elasticbeanstalk.

If your resource ARN is known and you want to restrict further, please edit serverless.yml to do so.