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Uptime Kuma with Caddy proxy, Ntfy and email notifications

This docker-compose.yml project makes it really simple to deploy a self hosted uptime monitoring system with Uptime Kuma and Caddy as a reverse proxy with TLS support.

It also includes Ntfy for push notifications to your phone, and email notifications.


  • A linux server with a public IP address. You can get one for free from Oracle Cloud or Google Cloud.

  • Docker and Compose installed and running on your system.

  • A domain name. If you host your DNS with Cloudflare, you can use their API to automatically deploy and renew TLS certificates with Caddy.

  • An account in any mail service provider that supports SMTP.


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd uptime-kuma-caddy-ntfy-smtp
  2. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required values:

    cp .env.example .env

    The .env file needs updates to the following variables:

    Variable Description
    KUMA_BASE_URL Your https base url for the uptime service.
    NTFY_BASE_URL Your https base url for the ntfy service.
    CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL Your Cloudflare account email.
    CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN The token for Caddy to handle DNS changes in Cloudflare. Get it here with DNS:Edit permissions.
    RELAY_xxxx The config for your SMTP service provider account. The example given is for the Sendgrid service.
  3. Start the containers:

    docker-compose up -d

    The first time you run this command, it will take a while to download the images and build the containers.

    Check the logs to see if everything is working:

    docker-compose logs -f
  4. Create a new admin user for ntfy. Follow the instruction in the help message or see here:

    docker compose exec -it ntfy ntfy user add --role=admin --help

    With those credentials, you can log in to the ntfy web interface at and create a new notification channel and an API key to use later in the uptime configuration.

  5. Finally go to the uptime web interface at, create a new user and start adding monitors. Use the following settings for the notification channels:

    Notification Type Settings
    Email (SMTP) Hostname: smtp, Port: 25, Security: None / STARTTLS (25, 587)
    Ntfy Server URL: (the same in .env), Authentication Method: Username and Password or Access Token


Docker compose for running Uptime Kuma and sending notifications via NTFY and Email




