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<title>Mobile Atlas Creator - Readme</title> <style type="text/css"> body { margin-left: 10px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }

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Mobile Atlas Creator - Read-me

Welcome to Mobile Atlas Creator read-me file for end users.

Before January 2010 this project was known as "TrekBuddy Atlas Creator".

Mobile Atlas Creator is an open source project hosted on

Table of contents

	<a name="License">License</a>
	Mobile Atlas Creator is under GNU General Public License Version 2
	(GPL). For details on the GPL see the license file <a href="gpl.txt">gpl.txt</a>.<br>
	The source code is available on the <a
	for download and in the <a href="">project's
		source code Subversion repository</a>.

	<a name="Description">Description</a>
	Mobile Atlas Creator creates atlases for several applications. For
	example <a href="">TrekBuddy</a> and <a
		Trail Explorer (MTE)</a>, the Android applications <a
		href="">AndNav</a>, <a
		href="">Maverick</a>, <a
		href="">Big Planet
		Tracks</a>, <a
	<a href="">OruxMaps</a>, the Pocket PC
	application <a href="">Glopus</a> and the
	commercial Windows application <a href="">OziExplorer</a>.
	The map image created for OziExplorer can also be used with any PNG
	capable image viewer (map image in one large PNG file).

	<a name="Requirements">Requirements</a>
<p>This application requires that a Java SE Runtime Environment 7 or higher is installed on the	computer.</p>
<p>If you have the choice between different Java Runtimes you
	should prefer the Java Runtime provided by Sun/Oracle. Especially the
	OpenJDK has some bugs regarding MOBAC and tends to crash on certain
	<a name="JAI">Java Advanced Imaging (optional)</a>
	For reducing the color depth of downloaded tiles the library files (
	) of the "Java Advanced Imaging" (JAI) have to be present on the
	system respectively in the same directory as Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar.
	Ready to use binary builds of the Java Advanced Imaging library can be
	obtained at <a

	<a name="Installation">Installation</a>
	Copy or move the unzipped files to a folder where you would like to
	have Mobile Atlas Creator installed. On computers running Windows
	please make sure <b>not to install MOBAC into <tt>Program
			Files</tt> sub-directory!

	<a name="Start">Application start</a>
	The application is started by executing the
	<tt>Mobile Atlas Creator.exe</tt>
	. During the first application start all necessary files and folders
	are automatically created by the application.
<h3>Linux and OSX</h3>
	You can start MOBAC by executing the start-up script
	. Before starting MOBAC the first time it may be necessary to set the
	executable bit for
	e.g. by executing the following command:
<pre>chmod u+x</pre>
<p>During the first application start all necessary files and
	folders are automatically created by the application.</p>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="AtlasFormats">The different atlas formats</a>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="AFTrackOSZ">AFTrack OSZ</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with AFTrack (Symbian S60) you have to
	select <b>AFTrack (OSZ)</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog
	that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New
	OSZ is a ZIP-archive. Within this zip archive a (large) number of
	tiles with the calibrated folder structure (coordinates) are stored.
	OSZ only works if each tile has got a resolution of 256x256 Pixels. So
	be sure to uncheck <b>Recreate/adjust map tiles (CPU intensive)</b>.
<p>The output format is one file for each layer in the
	corresponding folder.</p>
	<a name="AFTrackOSZRestriction">Restrictions</a>
<p>Depending on the device free memory the file maybe not work. So
	more then 80000 tiles should not be used.</p>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="AlpineQuestMap">AlpineQuestMap (AQM)</a>
<p>Sorry no further details are available for this atlas format.</p>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="AndNav">Creating and using atlases with AndNav</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with AndNav you have to select <b>AndNav
		atlas format</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears
	when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New Atlas</b>).<br>
	As atlases for AndNav do not support all features provided by Mobile
	Atlas Creator the following settings are ignored when creating atlases
	for AndNav:
	<li>Change height or width of the map tiles</li>
	<li>Name of all layers and maps</li>
	<li>Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)</li>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="BigPlanet">Creating and using atlases with Big Planet
	For creating offline atlases compatible with <a
		href="">Big Planet
		Tracks</a> (Android application) you have to select <b>Big Planet
		Tracks SQLite</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears
	when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New Atlas</b>).<br>
	The atlas format BigPlanet SQLite does not support all features
	provided by Mobile Atlas Creator the following settings can not be
	used or are ignored when creating atlases using this output format:
	<li>Recreate/adjust map tiles with custom tile size (height and
	<li>Name of all layers and maps</li>
	<li>Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)</li>
	<li>Atlases created after another are merged into one Database
		named <tt>[Atlasname] atlas.sqlitedb</tt> which is located in the
		atlas output directory.
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="CacheWolf">Creating atlases for CacheWolf</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with <a href="">CacheWolf</a>
	you have to select <b>CacheWolf WFL</b> as format in atlas format
	selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b>
	entry <b>New Atlas</b>).
<h4>Custom tile processing settings enabled</h4>
<p>Maps that have custom tile processing options set are saved as
	tiled images with one WFL calibration file for each tile. All
	processing options such as image format and tile size can be used.</p>
<h4>Custom tile processing settings disabled</h4>
	In this mode automatic tiling is disabled and the same <a
		href="#OziRestriction">restrictions</a> and the <a href="#OziWarning">warning</a>
	as for the OziExplorer output format apply.
	The output format of an "atlas" for CacheWolf is one subdirectory per
	layer and within this subdirectory one
	image and one
	file per defined map.
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="GarminCustom">Creating Garmin Custom maps</a>
	For creating atlases of Creating Garmin Custom maps you have to select
	<b>Garmin Custom Map (KMZ)</b> as format in atlas format selection
	dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry
	<b>New Atlas</b>).<br> Details about the Garmin Custom Map format
	can be found in the <a
<p>Using this atlas output format the following features are
	ignored when creating atlases:</p>
	<li>Recreate/adjust map tiles (custom tile size and image format)</li>
	The output format of an "atlas" for Garmin Custom maps is one
	file per layer containing all maps (max 100) as seperate
	image files. The JPEG compression rate can be specified for each
	map/image using image format selector in the custom tile processing
	section. The Garmin Custom Map format defines a maximum image size of
	1024x1024 pixels. If a map is larger it will be automatically scaled
	down to fit into this size. You can prevent scaling when setting the
	max map size in the settings dialog to 1024.
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="Glopus">Creating atlases for Glopus</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with Glopus you have to select <b>Glopus
		(PNG &amp; KAL)</b> or <b> Glopus Map File (GMF)</b> as format in atlas
	format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b>
	entry <b>New Atlas</b>).
<h4>Glopus (PNG &amp; KAL)</h4>
	Using this atlas output format the same <a href="#OziRestriction">restrictions</a>
	and the <a href="#OziWarning">warning</a> as for the OziExplorer
	output format apply.
	The output format of an "atlas" for Glopus is one subdirectory per
	layer and within this subdirectory one
	image and one
	file per defined map.
<h4>Glopus Map File (GMF)</h4>
	Within this file a (large) number of tiles with its calibrated
	coordinates are stored. Glopus works best if each tile has a
	resolution of 1024x1024 pixels. So check <b>Recreate/adjust map
		tiles (CPU intensive)</b>. Width and height should be set to <b>1024</b>.
<p>The output format is one file for each layer in the
	corresponding folder.</p>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="GMF">Glopus Map File (GMF) / AFTrack</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with AFTrack (Symbian S60) you have to
	select <b>Glopus Map File (GMF)</b> as format in atlas format
	selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b>
	entry <b>New Atlas</b>).

	Within this file a (large) number of tiles with its calibrated
	coordinates are stored. AFTrack works best if each tile has got a
	resolution of 256x256 Pixels. So uncheck <b>Recreate/adjust map
		tiles (CPU intensive)</b>.
<p>The output format is one file for each layer in the
	corresponding folder.</p>
	<a name="AFTrackRestriction">Restrictions</a>
<p>AFTrack can handle a maximum of 4096 tiles - so be sure not to
	select more.</p>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="KMZ">Google Earth Overlay (KMZ)</a>
	For creating Google Earth Overlays you have to select <b>Google
		Earth Overlay (KMZ)</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog that
	appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New
<p>Using this atlas output format the following features are
	ignored when creating atlases:</p>
	<li>Recreate/adjust map tiles (custom tile size and image format)</li>
	The Google Earth Overlay atlas format uses JPG images. The image size
	depends on the selected maximum map size (see settings dialog). The
	theoretical maximum map size for this atlas format is 25000. However
	it is <b>strongly recommended not to set the maximum map size
		higher than 10000</b> (this will result in a image with uncompressed size
	about 286 MB).
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="Magellan">Creating Magellan RMP atlases</a>
	For creating atlases of Creating Garmin Custom Maps you have to select
	<b>Magellan (RMP)</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog that
	appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New
<p>Using this atlas output format the following features are
	ignored when creating atlases:</p>
	<li>Recreate/adjust map tiles (custom tile size and image format)</li>
<p>Additionally some other limitations may apply, based on which
	device and firmware version you are using. Mobile Atlas Creator does
	not chek those limitations - therefore it may work or not if you are
	<li>An atlas with more than 5 maps.</li>
	<li>Maps with a zoom level higher than 15.</li>
	The output format of an "atlas" for Magellan is one
	file in the atlas directory. You can directly load this file in
	Magellan VantagePoint or transfer it onto your device.
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="MAPLORER">Creating atlases for MAPLORER</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with <a href="">MAPLORER</a>
	you have to select the <b>Maplorer atlas format</b> as format in atlas
	format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b>
	entry <b>New Atlas</b>). You have to choose <b>JPG image format</b>
	under <b>Layer settings/tile format</b> (PNG is not supported by

	There are no specific limits on tile sizes and/or numbers; good
	results for hiking/biking can be obtained using zoom level 15, custom
	tile size of 1024x1024 (check <b>Recreate/adjust map tiles (CPU
		intensive)</b> under <b>Layer settings</b>. For good performance, avoid
	using too big or too many tiles (the maximum number of columns in
	Maplorer is currently 26 ('A' to 'Z'), but it is preferable to use

	After defining the maps and layers (select region and click <b>Add
		selection</b> under <b>Atlas Content)</b> for the atlas, click the button
	Create Atlas. Once atlas download and creation has completed, all
	necessary files belonging to the atlas can be found in the directory
	<tt>atlases\[atlas name]_[current date and time]</tt>

	To install the atlas on your device, simply connect it to your PC and
	copy the content of the respective atlas subdirectory (i.e. all .jpg
	and .pos files generated) to the Maplorer directory (the one which
	contains maplorer.exe) on your device. Starting Maplorer on the device
	will automatically read all tiles and create the index map. Detailed
	instructions on making maps for Maplorer can be found at <a
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="Maverick">Creating and using atlases with Maverick</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with Maverick you have to select <b>Maverick
		atlas format</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears
	when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New Atlas</b>).<br>
	As atlases for Maverick do not support all features provided by Mobile
	Atlas Creator the following settings are ignored when creating atlases
	for AndNav:
	<li>Recreate/adjust map tiles (custom tile size and image format)</li>
	<li>Name of all layers and maps</li>
	<li>Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)</li>
	For further information how to use offline atlases with Maverick
	please see <a href="">Maverick
		Online Help on Setting up offline maps</a>.
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="MGMaps">Creating and using atlases with MGMaps</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with MGMaps you have to select <b>MGMaps</b>
	as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting
	a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New Atlas</b>). Select a name
	for the maps, this is important as you will use it to view the maps in
<h4>How to copy the maps to your device</h4>
	<li>Create a folder named <tt>MGMapsCache</tt> in the root of you
		device or memorycard
	<li>Copy the created folders into this MGMapsCache folder so the
		directory structure looks like:</li>

MGMapsCache MGMapsCache\cache.conf MGMapsCache\macos_10 MGMapsCache\macos_11 MGMapsCache\macos_12 MGMapsCache\macos_10\59_53.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_11\150_106.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_11\150_107.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_11\151_106.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_11\151_107.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_12\365_213.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_12\365_214.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_12\366_213.mgm MGMapsCache\macos_12\366_214.mgm

How to set up MGMaps to use the maps

  1. Select Settings/Map/Stored Maps, Click on the two boxes labelled Stored Maps and Offline Mode. The first box enables the use of stored map mode. The second box prohibits the use of the mobile phones Internet connect to download live maps. You can leave this unchecked if you want. stored maps folder: now tell MGMaps where you have stored the map tile files. in my case SDCard/MGMapsCache.
  2. Select Settings/Map/Map types, select options/add custom map,in map type name enter the name of the map you created using MAC in my case macos, map type url you can leave blank, select ok/options/save MGMaps will then apply the settings and display your created map.


Avoid using names native to MGMaps such as google, each name used must be defined as a custom map so the directory structure below must have macos,macroad and macsat defined as custom map types.

MGMapsCache MGMapsCache\cache.conf MGMapsCache\macos_10
MGMapsCache\macos_11 MGMapsCache\macroad_11 MGMapsCache\macsat_11
MGMapsCache\macos_12 MGMapsCache\macroad_12 MGMapsCache\macsat_12

For creating atlases compatible with Mobile Trail Explorer you have to select Mobile Trail Explorer Cache as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).
If a map source uses an image format different to PNG the tiles will be automatically converted to the PNG format.
The output is one MTEFileCache file per atlas which contains all maps. An existing cache file can not be updated. If you want to add maps to an existing MTEFileCache please use the atlas format Mobile Trail Explorer which creates a file structure identical to JTileDownloader and then process the maps using MTE CacheCreator.
As atlases for Mobile Trail Explorer does not support all features provided by Mobile Atlas Creator the following settings are ignored when creating atlases for Mobile Trail Explorer:

  • Recreate/adjust map tiles (custom tile size and image format)
  • Name of all layers and maps
  • Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)

For creating atlases, compatible with NaviComputer, you have to select NaviComputer (NMAP) as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).
After defining the maps and layers for the atlas to be created, start atlas download and creation via the button Create Atlas. Once download and creation has completed, the generated file with the extension nmap can be found in the MOBAC output directory. This *.nmap-file is the required input file for NaviComputer.

For creating atlases, compatible with nfComPass, you have to click Atlas -> New Atlas, select nfComPass and give your Atlas a name.
By default atlases with a tilesize of 64x64 are created (recommended). For different tile sizes check Recreate/adjust map tiles (CPU intensive) under Layer settings. Set Tileformat can not be changed - it is always png. Maybe you must tryout, what is the best tilesize for your device. Choose your layer and zoomlevels and click Add selection. Then click Create atlas. Once download and creation has completed, the generated folders can be found in the MOBAC output directory. You must copy the data from the nfComPass.dat to your nfComPass.dat and fill in the path to your mapdirectory. After that, copy the folder(s) to your device. If it is possible, you should not copy the files with Active Sync to your device.

For creating atlases compatible with OruxMaps as format you have to select OruxMaps as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).

Using this atlas output format the following features are ignored when creating atlases:

  • Layer settings, custom tile size. OruxMaps always uses 512x512 tile size. You can select the tile format (PNG or JPEG). If you do not select any, default value is JPEG - quality 90.

The output format of an "atlas" for OruxMaps is one or more map directories in the atlas directory. You have to copy those maps onto your device (default directory: /oruxmaps/mapfiles/).

For creating atlases compatible with OSMAND you have to select OSMAND tile storage or OSMAND SQlite as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).
As atlases for OSMAND do not support all features provided by Mobile Atlas Creator the following settings are ignored when creating atlases for OSMAND:

  • Change height or width of the map tiles
  • Name of all layers and maps
  • Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)

For creating atlases compatible with Osmdroid you have to select either Osmdroid ZIP, Osmdroid SQLite or Osmdroid GEMF as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).
The mentioned three formats are "single file" atlases. One of the other possible atlas formats might also be acceptable for Osmdroid. Also, there is other software that is able to deal with GEMF archives.
As atlases for Osmdroid do not support all features provided by Mobile Atlas Creator the following settings are ignored when creating atlases for Osmdroid:

  • Change height or width of the map tiles
  • Name of all layers and maps
  • Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)

For creating atlases compatible with OSMTracker you have to select OSMTracker tile storage as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).
As atlases for OSMTracker do not support all features provided by Mobile Atlas Creator the following settings are ignored when creating atlases for OSMTracker:

  • Change height or width of the map tiles
  • Name of all layers and maps
  • Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)

For creating atlases compatible with OziExplorer you have to select OziExplorer (PNG & MAP) as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).

As OziExplorer does not support tiled maps some features are ignored when creating atlases in this format:

  • Image output format is fix: 24bit PNG
  • Recreate/adjust map tiles custom tile is ignored

The output format of an "atlas" for OziExplorer is one subdirectory per layer and within this subdirectory one PNG image and one MAP file per defined map. For opening a map in OziExplorer select the menu File → Load from File → Load from MAP file, browse to the layer directory of the created atlas and select the MAP file.

If you are only interested in the map image you can safely delete the created map file.

Mobile Atlas Creator uses a highly sophisticated and optimized algorithm for creating the PNG files for OziExplorer use. This algorithm allows to create very large maps images at low memory usage. OziExplorer and most image viewers do not use such sophisticated algorithms which can lead to the situation that you can create very large map images - but OziExplorer and other image viewers are not able to open the image.

For creating atlases compatible with PathAway you have to select PathAway tile cache as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).
As atlases for PathAway do not support all features provided by Mobile Atlas Creator the following restrictions apply when creating atlases for PathAway:

  • The maximum zoom level is 16 - higher zoom levels are not possible with this atlas format
  • Tile width and width can not be changed (settings will be ignored)
  • Name of all layers and maps is ignored
  • Structure of the atlas is ignored (which maps belongs to which layer)

For creating offline atlases compatible with RMaps (Android application) you have to select RMaps SQLite as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).
The atlas format RMaps does not support all features provided by Mobile Atlas Creator the following settings can not be used or are ignored when creating atlases using this output format:

  • Recreate/adjust map tiles with custom tile size (height and width have to be 256)
  • Name of all layers and maps
  • Structure of the atlas (which maps belongs to which layer)
  • Atlases created after another are merged into one Database named [AtlasName] atlas.sqlitedb which is located in the atlas output directory.

For creating atlases compatible with Sports Tracker(ST) you have to select Sports Tracker (NOT GPS Sportstracker) as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu Atlas entry New Atlas).

Do not select Recreate/adjust map tiles.

Maximum Zoomlevel of Sports Tracker is 17, default is 13.

Copy the created atlas (the whole folder) into the following folder of youre phone (depending of the Sports Tracker version):

  • Sports Tracker 1.76: E:\system\data\Maps\Street</tt>
  • Sports Tracker 2.x: E:\system\data\Maps\Street</tt>
  • Sports Tracker 3.x: E:\system\data\STMaps\Street</tt>

For changing the zoom level inside Storts Tracker press 5 to zoom in and 0 to zoom out.

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="TTQV">Creating and using atlases with Touratech QV /
		large PNG image export</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with Touratech QV you have to select <b>Touratech
		QV</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when
	starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New Atlas</b>).
	<a name="TTQVRestriction">Restrictions</a>
<p>As Touratech QV does not support tiled maps some features are
	ignored when creating atlases in this format:</p>
	<li>Image output format is fix: 24bit PNG</li>
	<li>Recreate/adjust map tiles custom tile is ignored</li>
	The output format of an "atlas" for Touratech QV is one subdirectory
	per layer and within this subdirectory one
	image and one
	file per defined map.
<p>If you are only interested in the map image you can safely
	delete the created cal file.</p>
	<a name="TTQVWarning">Warning</a>
<p>Mobile Atlas Creator uses a highly sophisticated and optimized
	algorithm for creating the PNG files for Touratech QV use. This
	algorithm allows to create very large maps images at low memory usage.
	Touratech QV and most image viewers do not use such sophisticated
	algorithms which can lead to the situation that you can create very
	large map images - but Touratech QV and other image viewers are not
	able to open the image.</p>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="TomTomRaster">Creating atlases using TomTom Raster format</a>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="TrekBuddy">Creating and using atlases with TrekBuddy</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with TrekBuddy you have to select <b>TrekBuddy
		tared atlas</b> or <b>TrekBuddy untared atlas</b> as format in atlas
	format selection dialog that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b>
	entry <b>New Atlas</b>).
	After defining the maps and layers for the atlas to be created start
	atlas download and creation via the button <b>Create Atlas</b>. Once
	atlas download and creation has completed all necessary files
	belonging to the atlas can be found in the directory
	<tt>atlases\[atlas name]_[current date and time]</tt>
	The atlas itself consists of the atlas startup file
	(tar format) or
	(regular/untared format) and the subdirectories containing the
	different maps of the atlas. For using the atlas with TrekBuddy copy
	the whole directory onto your J2ME device. Then use the <b>Load
		Atlas</b> function of TrekBuddy and open
	(in the atlas root directory).
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="TwoNav">Creating and using atlases with TwoNav &amp;
		CompeGPS Land/Air</a>
	To create atlases compatible with TwoNav software you have to select <b>TwoNav
		(RMAP)</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog that appears when
	starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New Atlas</b>).
	Atlases created for TwoNav are stored in a format called rmap. It's a
	binary format that holds the same map data stored at different
	resolutions - in order to make zooming in and out on low performance
	mobile devices fast and efficient. However, this causes some
	restrictions which have to be taken into account:
	<li>Each map within a layer has to have the same geographical
	<li>There only can be one map in a layer with a given zoom level</li>
<p>If there are several layers in one atlas, each layer will be
	stored as a separate rmap file.</p>
<p>The easiest way to create a correct atlas content is: first
	select the appropriate grid zoom (combobox next to the zoom slider),
	then pick zoom levels from the selected grid zoom up to the zoom level
	of the desired most detailed level, and finally add a selection to the
	Atlas content by clicking on the "Add selection" button.</p>
<p>Rmap format also requires no gaps in a zoom level range from the
	maximum to the minimum selected zoom level. If there are missing zoom
	levels, they will be created internally by shrinking the existing
	downloaded tiles. If the missing zoom levels contain a lot of tiles,
	this operation could take a while.</p>
	Finally copy the
	file from the
	<tt>atlases\[atlas name]_[current date and time]</tt>
	folder to your TwoNav
<p>As TwoNav does not support all available features provided my
	MOBAC, some features can not be used when creating atlases in this
	<li>Custom tile height and width (is ignored for TwoNav RMP
	<li>Custom tile format: Only JPEG formats are allowed</li>
<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="Viewranger">Creating and using atlases with Viewranger</a>
	For creating atlases compatible with <a
		href="">Viewranger(VR)</a> you have to
	select <b>Viewranger</b> as format in atlas format selection dialog
	that appears when starting a new atlas (menu <b>Atlas</b> entry <b>New
<p>Maximum Zoomlevel of Viewranger is 18, minimum is 3.</p>
<p>After creating youre atlas the folder structure looks like:</p>
	<li><tt>Mobile Atlas Creator
	<li><tt>Mobile Atlas Creator
	<li><tt>Mobile Atlas Creator
	<li><tt>Mobile Atlas Creator
	Now we have to <a
		Create a Folder Structure on the Device:</a>
	If you youre VR Folder is on E: it is on Symbian located in
<P>In this folder create following Subfolders, if not already
<p>Copy the content of "OSM" into 84, "google" into 85 and so on.</p>
	Now it looks like:
	, 2687 is a tile
<p>VR has different Online Mapsources which are assigned to the
	Numbers as shown:</p>

	<li><tt>OSM Direct-&gt;87</tt></li>
	<li><tt>OSM Midnigth-&gt;88</tt></li>
	<li><tt>OSM Fresh-&gt;89</tt></li>
	<li><tt>Open Piste Map-&gt;129 </tt></li>

<p>Of course you can fill the Tilecache with different Maps.</p>
<p>I use the Open Piste Map eg. as "OSM Public Transport"</p>

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="Enhancement">Enhancement requests</a>
	If you are missing the map provider of your choice or have other
	enhancement ideas for Mobile Atlas Creator feel free to open an <a
		Request Ticket</a> at SourceForge.
	If have a new online map which is not available in Mobile Atlas
	Creator there my be change to add it. Before opening a Feature Request
	please take a look into the <a
		of map sources known to incompatible with Mobile Atlas Creator</a>.

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="Bugs">Problems, Bugs &amp; Errors</a>
	In case of unexpected errors while executing Mobile Atlas Creator you
	may get presented a exception dialog containing detailed information
	about the problem. In such a case please create a new <a
		in the Bug Tracker</a> at SourceForge. Please add the detailed exception
	information and a detailed description of your last performed actions.

<h3>The default error log</h3>
	By default Mobile Atlas Creator records all errors of the current
	session into it's error log file
	<tt>Mobile Atlas Creator.log</tt>
	. This log file is located on Windows system in the directory
	<tt>%APPDATA%\Mobile Atlas Creator\</tt>
	and on Linux/Unix/OSX system in the directory

<h3>Activate the advanced logging system</h3>
	If the recorded errors in the error log do not indicate a problem you
	can activate the overall message logging mechanism of Mobile Atlas
	Creator:<br> Download the file <a
		href="">log4j.xml</a> and save
	it in the directory where the jar file of Mobile Atlas Creator is
	installed to.
	The next start Mobile Atlas Creator will create a log file in the
	current directory (on Windows this is usually the directory where the
	JAR file is located on Linux usually the profile directory). Please
	note that the log file is erased on each program start. If you think
	you have found a bug please file it in the <a
		tracker at SourceForge</a>.

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="Limitations">Known problems and limitations</a>
<h3>New map sources</h3>
	Mobile Atlas Creator is limited to map sources that provide their maps
	if form of map tiles. Each of that map tiles has to be of size 256x256
	pixels. Additionally the map source has to use the spherical Mercator
	projection and the number of tiles forming the world on each zoom
	level has to be one of the following values: 2<sup>0</sup>, 2<sup>1</sup>,
	2<sup>2</sup> ... 2<sup>21</sup>, 2<sup>22</sup>.<br> For more
	details see OpenStreetMap Wiki: <a
		map tilenames</a>, <a href="">Mercator</a>,
	<a href="">Height
		and width of a map</a> and <a
		href="">Zoom levels</a>
<h3>Java Bugs</h3>
<p>Due to bugs in Java you should not do the following:</p>
	<li>Install Mobile Atlas Creator into a directory which path
		contains an "!" (exclamation mark) because of this <a
		href="">Sun Java
	<li>Do not use OpenJDK if you want to work with GPX tracks in
		Mobile Atlas Creator</li>
	<li>On Windows without a system proxy set (see connection
		settings of IE) it is strongly recommended <b>not to use</b> the
		following proxy setting:<i>Use standard Java proxy settings</i>

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="AdvancedUsers">Details for advanced users</a>
	<a name="DirectoryConfig">Specifying directory configuration</a>
<p>The following steps are necessary if MOBAC is installed to to a
	directory that is not writable for reguar users:</p>
	For changing the directory configuration pattern for all users of a
	MOBAC installation save <a
		file</a> into the same directory where
	has been installed into and change it's name to
	. For more details read the comments in this configuration file.

	<a name="TileStoreDir">Moving the tile store directory</a>
	Usually the tile store directory where Mobile Atlas Creator saves all
	downloaded images in is automatically determined.<br> In case you
	want to select a different directory perform the following steps:
	<li>Make sure you have closed MOBAC</li>
	<li>Open <tt>settings.xml</tt> in an text editor
	<li>Inside of the tag <tt>&lt;settings&gt;</tt> search for the
		tag <tt>&lt;directories&gt;</tt>. Inside this tag create a new tag
		named <tt>&lt;tileStoreDirectory&gt;</tt></li>
	<li>Set the path name to the value of this tag (Windows users
		should replace backslashes with a slashes)</li>
	<li>(optional) Copy or move the content of the old tile store
		directory into the new tile store directory.</li>

<settings> <directories> <tileStoreDirectory>E:/tiles</tileStoreDirectory> </directories> ... </settings>

This specified the windows directory E:\tiles as new tile store directory. The previously used tile store will not be used anymore.
Deleting the <tileStoreDirectory> tag restores the old behavior (automatically tile store directory selection).

	<a name="ExternalTools">Starting external tools from within MOBAC</a>

	External tools like scripts or other executable programs can be
	started from the <b>Tools</b> menu from within MOBAC. This menu is
	only visible if external programs have been configured. The advantage
	of starting a program from within MOBAC is that certain information
	about selected map source, selected region ... can be transmitted as
	parameters to the executed program.<br> This allows you for
	example to create your own maps (render tiles) with external tools
	like <a href="">OSMFILTER</a>,
	<a href="">OSMCONVERT</a>,
	<a href="">MAPERITIVE</a>...
	For defining an external program, create an xml file for each external
	program to be called. The content of the xml file has to be like one
	of the following examples. The file-name of the xml is not relevant -
	it only has to end with
<p>Demonstrates how to execute an Windows batch file.</p>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ExternalTool> <name>Name shown in tools menu</name> <command>cmd.exe /c start .\tools\mybatch.cmd</command> <parameters>MIN_LON MIN_LAT MAX_LON MAX_LAT MIN_ZOOM MAX_ZOOM MAPSOURCE_NAME MAPSOURCE_DISPLAYNAME NAME_EDITBOX </parameters> <debug>true</debug> </ExternalTool>

Annotated sample file download

<p>Demonstrates how to execute an regular windows program.</p>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ExternalTool> <name>Name shown in tools menu</name> <command>C:\sample-path\program.exe</command> <parameters>MIN_LON MIN_LAT MAX_LON MAX_LAT MIN_ZOOM MAX_ZOOM MAPSOURCE_NAME MAPSOURCE_DISPLAYNAME NAME_EDITBOX </parameters> <debug>true</debug> </ExternalTool>

	The most interesting section is the content of <b>&lt;parameters&gt;</b>.
	It contains a space separated list of parameters the specified command
	will be executed with. The following values can be used:
	<li><tt>MAX_LAT</tt> - Maximum latitude (upper border) off the
		selected area</li>
	<li><tt>MIN_LAT</tt> - Minimum latitude (lower border) off the
		selected area</li>
	<li><tt>MAX_LON</tt> - Maximum longitude (right border) off the
		selected area</li>
	<li><tt>MIN_LON</tt> - Minimum longitude (left border) off the
		selected area</li>
	<li><tt>MIN_ZOOM</tt> - minimum zoom of selected zoom levels
	<li><tt>MAX_ZOOM</tt> - maximum zoom of selected zoom levels
	<li><tt>MAPSOURCE_NAME</tt> - Currently select map source
		internal name (used in atlas profile xml file)</li>
	<li><tt>MAPSOURCE_DISPLAYNAME</tt> - Currently select map source
		display name (as shown in the GUI)</li>
	<li><tt>NAME_EDITBOX</tt> - content of the edit box "Name" in the
		side panel "Atlas Content"

<!-- *************************************************************************** -->
	<a name="CustomMapSource">Custom map sources</a>
	<a name="SimpleCustomMapSource">Simple custom map sources</a>
	Custom map sources which uses a similar URL scheme as
	Google/OpenStreetMap can be added by saving for each custom map source
	the definition in form of an xml file in the
<p>The following section shows is an example how the xml file has
	to be formatted. It defines an additional map source named "Custom OSM
	Mapnik" which shows map tiles identical to the predefined map source
	"OpenStreetMap Mapnik".</p>
	<a name="MapSourceNameUnique"></a><b>Note:</b>The name specified in
	there has to be unique among all available map sources within MOBAC.
	The list of all available map sources can be obtained via command <b>Show
		all map source names</b> in the menu <b>Debug</b>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <customMapSource> <name>Custom OSM Mapnik</name> <minZoom>0</minZoom> <maxZoom>18</maxZoom> <tileType>png</tileType> <tileUpdate>None</tileUpdate> <url>{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png&lt;/url> <backgroundColor>#000000</backgroundColor> </customMapSource>

The most important part of this definition is the url. It is a template containing specific placeholders which are encapsulated by curly brace:

  • {$z} for the zoom level - number range: [minZoom .. maxZoom]
  • {$x} for the x tile coordinate - number range: [0..2zoom level ]
  • {$y} for the y tile coordinate - number range: [0..2zoom level ]

Note: If the url contains the ampersand character & you have to encode it as &amp;. Otherwise it not be valid XML and therefore can not bo loaded by MOBAC.

Example file for download: Example custom map source.xml

Similar a WMS map source can be defined. Currently only EPSG:4326 as coordinatesystem is supported.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>TerraServer WMS</name>

Example file (with comments) for download: Example custom WMS map source.xml

The same way as custom map sources map sources which consist of two or more layers can be defined as well. Note that all except the background map source layer (first in the list) must have transparent parts - otherwise layers in the list before will not be visible.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<name>Custom OSM Mapnik with Hills (Ger)</name>
<name>Custom OSM Mapnik</name>
<name>Custom transparent hillshade</name>

Example file for download: Example custom multi-layer map source.xml

The CloudMade map service offers a large number of OpenStreetMap based maps with different styles. Each style is accessible through it's styleID . Custom CloudMade maps can be added to MOBAC via a simple XML file containing a map name used by MOBAC and a styleID:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<displayName>CloudMade blackout</displayName>

Example file for download: Example CloudMade1960.xml

BeanShell map sources as the can be developed using MapEvaluator can be used by MOBAC. To do so place the saved BeanShell code file (file extension .bsh ) in the mapsources directory. It will be loaded on next start-up of MOBAC.

It is recommended to add a line defining the map source name (must be unique).

name = "Your map source name here";

Example file for download: Example beanshell map source.bsh

	<a name="CustomMapPack">Custom Map Pack</a>
	Developing a custom map pack requires at least basic Java skills.
	Therefore the description on how to develop a custom map pack is only
	part of the source code release of MOBAC. You can get the source code
	of MOBAC by using the latest
	release available in the <a
		section at Sourceforge</a> or you can get it directly from the <a
		href="">Subversion code
		repository</a> using the latest
	<a name="Mapsforge">MOBAC integrated rendering of tiles based on
		OpenStreetmap (mapsforge) vector data</a>
	Since version 2.0 MOBAC includes the <a
		href="">mapsforge</a> rendering
	engine. This allows MOBAC to render bitmap tiles on-the-fly using
	Mapsforge vector data files. Those vector data files can be <a
	pre-generated for a large number of regions world-wide. Alternatively
	you can <a
		OpenStreetMap data to mapsforge format on your own</a>. The map rendering
	of the vector data can be configured using <a
		base render themes</a>.
<p>For using mapsforge vector data within MOBAC the following steps
	are required:</p>
	<li><a href="">Download</a> or
		create a mapsforge vector data file and save it on your compurter</li>
	<li>Create a custom XML map source file in the <tt>mapsources</tt>
		subdirectory similar to the <a
		href=" custom mapsforge map source.xml">example
			file</a>. <pre>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mapsforge> <!-- name of the map - as shown in map source list --> <name>Custom Mapsforge</name>

&lt;!-- optional --&gt;

&lt;!-- optional --&gt;
&lt;!-- absolute or relative file name --&gt;

&lt;!-- optional default OSMARENDERER Theme --&gt;
&lt;!-- &lt;xmlRenderTheme&gt;mytheme.xml&lt;/xmlRenderTheme&gt; --&gt;


&lt;!-- text size scale factor --&gt;


  • Start or Restart MOBAC
  • <h3>
    	<a name="FileBased">Custom atlas as map source / locally generated
    	Existing atlases or locally rendered tiles can be directly integrated
    	into MOBAC as custom map source without having to set-up a local
    	web-server. <br> At the moment the formats used by OSMTracker,
    	AndNav, Maverick and OSMAND are supported. For adding such an atlas as
    	map source download the <a
    		custom tile files source.xml</a> file, adapt the
    	entry and place it in the
    	Tiles can also be packed into one or more zip files and directly used
    	by MOBAC. For details please see the <a
    		custom tile zip source.xml</a>.<br> <b>Note: When working with
    		large ZIP files (more than 4 GB) it is required to use Java 7.</b>
    	SQLite based atlas formats (RMaps, MBTiles, BigPlanetTracks,
    	NaviComputer or OSMAND) can also be used directly by MOBAC. For
    	details please see the <a
    		custom tile SQLite source.xml</a>


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