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James Edmondson edited this page Sep 22, 2018 · 1 revision

About Bundles

Bundle Standard | Mabundle

Using Bundles

Bundles are essentially tar/gz archives of information that are built according to the specification defined on the MADARA site. You can extract information from bundles in 2 ways: the MADARA scripts or tar directly.

Using the script

The MADARA script is invoked as $MADARA_ROOT/scripts/linux/ and has an interactive help menu that can be called with -h, --help, or help. To unpack an archive, you can specify the bundle file with -f or -b combined with the -u option for unpacking.

$MADARA_ROOT/scripts/linux/ -u -f bundles/from_ros/swat_reliability_rc_v3.3.0__pikachu-16-0005__2018-07-25-14-29-19.sbz

Using the tar command

The bundles are by default created as tar gzipped archives. tar has some useful features that you may want to use, including either unpacking or listing the contents of the bundle.

Listing Contents of the Bundle

tar -ztvf bundles/from_ros/swat_reliability_rc_v3.3.0__pikachu-16-0005__2018-07-25-14-29-19.sbz

Extracting Contents of the Bundle

tar -xvf bundles/from_ros/swat_reliability_rc_v3.3.0__pikachu-16-0005__2018-07-25-14-29-19.sbz

Creating Bundles

The $MADARA_ROOT/scripts/linux/ tool automates much of the bundling process and encapsulates the features of $MADARA_ROOT/bin/mabundle for reading files from a standard Bundle directory structure and generating appropriate basic information into the datapackage.json manifest file that resides in the root directory of a Bundle. This may sound complicated, but all you need to know is that is all you need to call. The process involves two steps: 1) creating a directory that is compliant with the Bundle specification and then 2) running with the appropriate arguments.

Creating a directory structure

For anything coming directly out of the drone (e.g., an STK file), put it in data/output/{agent.prefix}. For anything that was input into the drone, put it in data/input/{agent.prefix}. For anything that was post-processed, put it in data/processed/{agent.prefix} or an appropriate directory under data/processed such as data/processed/group or data/processed/mission. See the Bundle specification for specifics, but most bundles for agent-generated data will exist in a data structure that looks something like this (simplest form):

datapackage.json    # the manifest of the bundle (generated by mabundle)


To generate the datapackage.json and bundle everything up, use the script found at $MADARA_ROOT/scripts/linux/ It can be run with no arguments from within the directory you want to generate the bundle and datapackage.json, but you'll probably want to at least specify the bundle file location where you want to save things. A common generation interaction may look like this:

cd the_directory_where_data_directory_exists
$MADARA_ROOT/scripts/linux/ -f my_new_flight.sbz

The script encapsulates the functionality of mabundle and can support all of its args for specifying contributors, sources of the bundle, versioning, keywords, etc. So, any of the arguments in the following list are valid and will help populate your bundle's datapackage.json with useful information that can be retrieved later about what the bundle contains and who is responsible for its contents.

Other useful args for

  [-ac|--contributor json] json of contributor info
  [-as|--source json]      json of source of resources
  [-d|--dest-path path]    directory to generate manifest to
  [-e|--description text]  description of bundle contents
  [-h|--help]              print help menu (i.e., this menu)
  [-k|--keyword word]      a keyword to associate with the bundle
  [-l|--license json]      json of a license
  [-s|--source-path path]  directory to read files from
  [-t|--title title]       the manifest title
  [-v|--version MAJ.MIN.REV] sets version to MAJOR.MINOR.REV