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Application tracker

Example Screenshots

Add Application Screen: alt text

Edit Application Screen: alt text

List of Application Screen: alt text


These are instructions to deploy onto an Amazon EC2 server is listed in EC2_Configuration.MD

About this application

Python Modules used:

  • Flask - This is the web framework this web application is built on.
  • SQLAlchemy - This is the chosen Object Relational Mapping module. It is used to create the models and with the help of Blueprints create the routes to the different pages.
  • Flask_WTF - This is used in conjunction with wtforms to help make templates of the creation of forms.

Explanation of file

This application uses and MVC framework.

__init__ or - This is the main code that is used to run the servers. - Contains information about the creation of the database. - This file contains different Blueprints as the routes to the different parts of the website. - These are the some of the basic controlling functions to run the application.

Templates directory addApply.html an editApply.html - These files contain the forms that are to be used to add or edit an application. addSuggest.html - These files contain the forms that are to be used to add a suggestion for a place to apply. macros.html - This file contains the information about the creation of different macros to help create the forms. login.html - This is the form that is used to login to add application. The only account that is to be logged in can be modified in applications.html - This is used to create a listing of all the applications. suggestions.html - This is used to create a listing the suggestions. moreInfo.html - This file is used to give more information about the different things that are listed in the Applications model. index.html - This is the main html setup for the webpage. All other html files 'extend' off this file, with the exception of the html_dependencies, and macro files. html_dependencies.html - These are the html dependencies that have information about the CSS and JS links.


  • Create a way to search applications by dates.
  • Add more functionality and parameters used in the creation of the different applications


Application to keep track of applications for a job






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