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Guess the flag

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Simple game guess-the-flag game build with React. The user is presented with a flag and four options are given. Guess to which country the given flag belongs. The default game has 5 rounds but the user can choose in the welcome screen to extend the game up to 100 rounds. A final score is rendered at the end of the game, including a custom message based on the final score.

Developer notes

React State Management

State management for the following items:

  • game rounds
  • total score
  • country list
  • options list
  • target answer
  • user input answer

Node.js support

This game was developed using Node.js v12 and depends on Node-sass v4. If you run into issues rebuild node-sass (npm rebuild node-sass). Higher versions of Node.js have not been tested and there is no plan or requirement to update or support them for this project.