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About ME

Hello! I'm a Korean software engineer developing full-stack websites and web applications.

  • I started programming in 2014 and have developed and maintain several websites, oss projects.
  • I'm using the JavaScript, Dart, and Python languages.
  • I am very interested in participating in GitHub open source projects.

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Tech Stack

Languages & Tech

html5 JavaScript TypeScript CSS3 Dart Markdown ShellScript Git Python PHP Java MariaDB MySQL SQLite Realm

Frameworks & Libraries

NodeJS React MUI NextJS Redux VueJS ElectronJS Sequelize VuetifyJS ESLint JQuery Bootstrap SemanticUI Nginx Flutter Wordpress ExpressJS Webpack Babel Mocha Django Dependabot GitHub Actions Vite

Web Services & Tools & IDEs

IntelliJIDEA Webstorm AndroidStudio VisualStudioCode vimAWS Cloudflare Docker NPM Vercel Jira Confluence Trello BitBucket Postman AdobeCreativeCloud Figma

Interested in

Go Kotlin C# Rust Swift MongoDBReactNative NuxtUnity GoogleCloud Azure PostgreSQL Tauri

GitHub Activity

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