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Submit a Fast Stream Post

Try it out

This prototype is available to try. Please only select Data from the Job family page. This may break at any point; if it does, raise an issue here.


This service is built in Flask. It comprises three containers: a Redis container for storing session data, a Postgres container for persisting data, and a Python container to run the Flask web server.

To run this locally for yourself, you'll need to install Docker Compose.

Once you've installed that (and Docker, if you didn't already have it), clone this repository by typing git clone into your terminal or command prompt. It will output a lot of stuff, and when it's finished type cd fast-stream-postings to change directory to the folder. Then run the following command: docker-compose up

This will pull down any Docker images you don't have, so it may take a little while. Once it's finished, it'll launch the three containers. You should now be able to open your browser, navigate to localhost:5000/submit/start and see the service running.

If you're using Windows, you may experience this issue. If that happens, run git config --global core.autocrlf false

Then delete the folder you downloaded and re-clone it. Once that's done, run docker-compose up --build. If that doesn't work, raise an issue and I'll try to help as soon as I can.

When running on Windows 10, docker version 18.06.0-ce you may experience this issue when restarting the program after a termination. If this affects you, simply toggle-apply your Docker shared folder off and on in Docker settings as here: image


A prototype service for submitting a Civil Service Fast Stream post



MIT, MIT licenses found

Licenses found






No packages published

Contributors 4
