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project acorn

Project Acorn + Vue.js

Version 0.1.1

A theme waypoint between WordPress, its REST API and the Project Acorn SSR.

Table of Contents

Use Case

It is a SUPER bare bones theme intended ONLY to be used to give some extra functionality to our WordPress REST API waypoint and setup a few defaults and helpers along the way. This theme was built as a dev helper and not as a user-face or standard WordPress theme. It is intended to be used along side my Project Acorn SSR or any SPA which utilizes the WordPress REST API.

Getting Started

$ npm install
# Compile all the things
$ gulp

# Compile SVG icons
$ gulp icons

# Lints SCSS
$ gulp lint

# Minify and Optimize Admin Styles
$ gulp theme

# Compils Theme styles
$ gulp styles

# Use Browsersync and watch Styles
$ gulp watch


Splash Page

This theme provides a splash page which is present if anyone lands on the homepage that isn't logged in or the options to redirect users to the admin login page.

Access via Settings > Acorn Theme

screenshot 2018-04-03 12 37 23

Custom Endpoints

I've added a few custom menu endpoints for easy access to the WordPress menus and featured images. Typically this would be wrapped into a plugin, but it was important to me that we have one item install that was ready to go.

Featured Image

  • Bakes featured image data into the REST API. forked from BraadMartin with a few updates. The featured image sizes are available in the featured_image object inside post/page arrays.

For example:

"featured_image": {
	"id": 23,
	"alt": "",
	"caption": "",
	"description": "",
	"media_type": "image",
	"media": {
	"width": 5472,
	"height": 3648,
	"file": "2017/07/285038.jpg",
	"sizes": {
		"thumbnail": {
		"file": "285038-150x150.jpg",
		"width": 150,
		"height": 150,
		"mime-type": "image/jpeg",
		"source_url": "https://wordpress.test/server/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/285038-150x150.jpg"
	"image_meta": {
		"aperture": "0",
		"credit": "",
		"camera": "",
		"caption": "",
		"created_timestamp": "0",
		"copyright": "",
		"focal_length": "0",
		"iso": "0",
		"shutter_speed": "0",
		"title": "",
		"orientation": "0",
		"keywords": [



It's a miss that the WordPress REST API isn't available by default. I've added a custom endpoint to fix this in inc/menu-endpoints.php.

  • Can use /wp-api-menus/v2/menus for an array of menu slugs, ids and items.
  • Can use /wp-api-menus/v2/menus/id or wp-api-menus/v2/menus/slug to get individual menus data.

Default Setup

  • Adds theme support for post_thumbnail.
  • Registers WordPress menu: Main Menu.
  • gulpfile.js with style compiling + svg icon compiling + BrowserSync.
  • custom acorn color scheme — set by default.
  • Forces the standard /%postname%/ permalink structure out of the box.


Custom Post Type

Added CPT file which provides the ability to quickly register multiple CPTs on the fly.


This theme removes the customizer functionality, because who needs it, I mean, really? The code was forked and updated from Customizer Remove All Parts.

Acorn provides bare-bones output of page/post previews + some helper notes for those. It is not intended to function as a user-facing theme, but we must be able to preview content since the WordPress Editor is not fantastic about prepresenting the final output.

When logged in the index provides at-a-glance output of the REST API and out custom endpoints above.


Added a Acorn theme for use with users. Simply activate under Profile > Admin Color Scheme.

screenshot 2018-04-03 16 24 51

Recommended Add-on Plugins


Contributions welcome. At this moment, other than adhering to the .eslintrc standards, normal Github processes apply. Branch from master or fork repo and issue pull request for review. New ideas, refactoring, or additional features are always welcome.


Full changelog here.
