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Custom SnackBar notifications inspired by Material Design and node-snackbar


$ npm install js-snackbar -P


import 'js-snackbar/snackbar.css';
import { show, ACTION_TYPE } from 'js-snackbar';

// basic example
show({ text: 'My Message' });

// add a custom class to override styles, use the icon close button, display a face notify icon
  text: 'Some Custom Text!',
  pos: 'top-right',
  customClass: 'custom-class',
  notifyIcon: 'face',
  actionType: ACTION_TYPE.CLOSE,

// override background
show({ text: 'Custom Error Message!', backgroundColor: '#F44336' });

// override onActionClick
  text: 'Override!',
  actionType: ACTION_TYPE.TEXT,
  onActionClick: element => { = 0;

Find additional examples in src/App.js


In order to display the notify icons and icon close button, we rely on Material Design icons, Google fonts, and Material Design Lite stylesheets.

If your project is not already referencing these, you can add the following to the <head> section of your index.html file.

    <link rel="stylesheet"
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Please note these are only required to use notifyIcon = 'some_md_icon' and actionType = ACTION_TYPE.CLOSE


The following attributes can be customized

  // The SnackBar message to display
  text: 'Default Text',

  // Color of the SnackBar text
  textColor: '#ffffff',

  // The SnackBar container width
  width: 'auto',

   * The type of action button
   *  NONE: no button TEXT: text button CLOSE: close icon button
  actionType: ACTION_TYPE.NONE,

  // Sets the button text when ACTION_TYPE.TEXT
  actionText: 'Dismiss',

  // Color of the action text
  actionTextColor: '#ffffff',

  // SnackBar background color
  backgroundColor: '#323232',

   * SnackBar display position
   *   'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-right', 'top-left', 'top-center', 'top-right'
  pos: 'bottom-right',

  // milliseconds to display the SnackBar
  duration: 5000,

  // pause and restart duration after mouse hover
  pauseOnHover: false,

  // Class to apply to the SnackBar - this can be used to override all styles
  customClass: '',

  // Material Design icon to display to the left of the SnackBar text
  notifyIcon: null,

  // Url of an image to display to the left of the SnackBar text (beta)
  imgSrc: null,

  // Invoked when the SnackBar action button is clicked
  onActionClick: (element) => { = 0;

  // Invoked when the SnackBar itself is clicked
  onSnackbarClick: (element) => { = 0;

  // Invoked when the SnackBar closed via timing out
  onTimeout: (element) => {
    alert('Snackbar closed due to timeout!');

Run Locally

start local server @ http://localhost:8080. The start script copies the index.js file to src/snackbar.js.

$ npm start

Build updated css

$ npm run build-css


This repo was lovingly forked and hacked from the awesome node-snackbar

A few of the changes:

  • Ability to use an action icon button
  • Ability to display a notify icon
  • Ability to display a notify image
  • Local React hacking environment