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=== Propel ===
Contributors: johnciacia, sidewindernet
Tags: project, management, collaboration, tasks, project management, task management, basecamp
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.3.1
Stable tag: 2.0.4

This plugin allows users to manage projects and tasks.

== Description ==

This plugin enables you to manage your projects from the
WordPress interface you are already comfortable with. Easily
create and track the progress of projects and tasks.

If you are having issues with this plugin you may submit a comment <a href="">here</a> or ask on the <a href="">WordPress forum</a>.

== Installation ==

1. Download and unzip it.
2. Upload the plugin folder to wp-content/plugins/ and activate from the Plugin administrative menu.

== Screenshots ==
1. Front-end interface displaying one project. This is done  using [pl-projects id=x]. To display all your projects use [pl-projects]
2. Quickly see important events from your WordPress dashboard
3. Create a project
4. Create a task
5. Quickly add tasks from your WordPress dashboard
6. Back-end tasks list
7. Back-end projects list

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I display a projects status in a page? =
You can use the [pl-projects] short code in any page or post to show the status of all your current projects. You can show the status of an individual project by using [pl-projects id=x] where x is the id of the project.

= I don't understand the user permissions. =
Users with the super administrator or administrator role will be able to view tasks asigned to all users. Users with the role of editor, will only be able to view tasks assigned to them or to anyone.


This project is no longer supported






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