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Minion Eyes

Minion Maps

Minion Map is a Geographic information system with the capablebility of displaying data from OpenStreetMap in the formats ZIP and OSM.


Minion Map preview

Running the application

Download the latest release as a .jar file.

To run the application, this file should be executed by opening it directly.

It is also possible to run it .jar file from the command line like so:

java -jar MapOfDenmark.jar

Keep in mind that the application depends on JavaFX, and you will have to have JavaFX SDK installed on your machine. Here you will need to specify the path to the JavaFX SDK when you run the .jar file. Do it like so:

java --module-path "path/to/javafx/sdk" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar MapOfDenmark.jar

Running the application directly from source files

With the source files downloaded, run the following command in the root of the project.

./gradlew run

Building an executable jar from source

./gradlew jar

Running the generated executable .jar

Assuming an executable .jar file is located at the default location, run the following command at the project root:

java -jar build/libs/MapOfDenmark.jar

Running test suite

Note: Some test suites may fail if not run individually. This can be due to various reasons, check the individual test suite for more information.

To run the test suite, run the following command:

./gradlew test

To generate a test coverage report using JaCoCo, run gradlew test and then run the following command:

./gradlew jacocoTestReport

The report is viewed by opening the generated build\reports\jacoco\test\html\index.html HTML file in your browser.