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The Open Source Web Console for Cloud Foundry

Cf Storm is the open source web console for Cloud Foundry. It allows to connect to any Cloud Foundry API endpoint, for easy administration. At the moment only it alllows to manage spaces and apps but we are planning to add users, organizations, services and more in the near future.

Tech details

The web console was created using Cuba microframework, Redis, Ohm (Object-hash mapping library for Redis.) Cutest abd Capybara for testing.

Why Cuba?

The first answer that come to our minds is Why not? Is simple, small and we think that it fits perfectly for this project, which is basically a GUI for an API. You can extend a Cuba app extremely easy, and not only that, it's very fast due to its small size.

We like to keep things simple and as small as posible to easily maintain and improve our code, so that's why Cuba.


Performing this task is really simple. Just grab the code clonning the repository, execute bundle install to download all dependencies (which are very few):

git clone
bundle install

Then you can either setup some env variables on your server like this:

export REDIS_URL=redis://
export API_URL=

Or you can edit the file with your information:


We recommend you export these variables to not alter the code. You can add these exports in some .bashrc file or something.

Finally, you can run:

rackup -p 9393



To run the console. You can chose a port of your interests, the default port for rackup is 9292, and for shotgun is 9393.

The difference between rackup and shotgun is subtle. Shotgun reloads classes and other code on each requests, perfect for a development enviorement, and rackup does not do that, perfect for a production enviorement.

In a browser type the URL http://localhost:9393/ or http://localhost:9292/ and you're ready to go.

How to Contribute

The Basics

Since Cuba was the prefered framework, contributing is easy, and we encourage you to do so for a better console for everyone.

The Cuba infrastructure is really simple. You can define a file that acts as a route matcher and controller, in where you define all the routes of your extension and actions to do upon call. Here is an example:

class MySection < Cuba
  define do
    on get, 'index' do
      res.write view('my_section/index')

We just defined a section with an index action that renders a view. Once you have your awesome functionalities coded in one (or several) files like the example avobe, you need to integrate it with the console, this is a tricky part, but not really difficult.

Matchers scope routes nesting Cuba applications. The file app.rb defines the root level '/' of the entire application. Each 'on' statement in this file defines a subroute, for example:

Cuba.define do
  on 'favicon.ico' do

This defines a subroute 'favicon.ico', so a route that will match this code is '/favicon.ico'. So to integrate your awesome section with the console, you can do something like this:

require_relative './my_section'
Cuba.define do
  on 'my_section' do
    run MySection

This will create a route like '/my_section/index' (remember the section defined avobe). Also, this will match all routes with '/my_section' and pass it to MySection class to handle it.


You can use proper HTTP verbs like DELETE, PUT, etc. To use one of those you simple pass it as parameter while defining the section:

class MySection < Cuba
  define do
    on delete, 'index' do
      res.write view('my_section/index')

All HTTP verbs works, and if you use them, you'll follow more properly the protocol definition, and of course you'll make it easier for other people to understand your code.

Cuba docs

Some cuba example apps


In CF-Storm we use TDD for the development cycle, writing a test and then coding the feature that passes the test. In the folder 'test' you wil find the acceptance and unit tests for this application. However, we were not fanatized to the extreme with TDD, simply because adding more tests slows down the overall process.

If you decide to contribute to CF-Storm, make sure you write any necesary test for any new feature you add and make them pass properly.

The console uses a cfoundry client gem which makes the requests needed for everything implemented on CF-Storm, from getting spaces to scale applications deployed on the server, validating all data along the way. Since there are requests going on while using the console, there's a small delay on each request. Writing tests and making all these requests slows down the running speed of tests. We don't want that, so we should use the mocks.

BUT, we don't use mocks for the testing, and this is because mocks aren't that easy to maintain and reduces the clarity of tests, instead, we fake the client with several classes to speed up the running. These classes are located on the 'lib' folder. Add any necesary methods to the fake classes if you need them for your awesome features.

There are also integration tests available that runs agains a real API, be aware that doing this will dramatically slow down the running.

The commands to run these tests are these:


This will run the tests using the fake classes doing a fast run over all tests, you can specify a kind of tests to run by doing:

rake test:acceptance

Finally, there are benchmark tests to measure the speeds, this is usefull to verify the response speeds of the overall console. If you contribute, we encourage you to run these tests and verify that there are not significant increase in response times:

rake test:benchmark

These kind of tests are tied to the overall performance of the computer they are running on, so before you start creating your awesome feature, run these tests once and keep track of changes.