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Stripped, simple, React Native Bare template.


Using react-native-template-typescript as the starting point, I've removed files that are useless for many and added minor changes. I've wanted to make this as bare as possible, adding some of my influence but not enough that it'd be a pain to change them.

❗❗ Read the instructions at the bottom! This is not a complete template!

Included + added

  • TypeScript
  • ESLint
  • babel-plugin-module-resolver (when importing, instead of ../../.., it's now src/...)
  • @babel/preset-typescript

Uninstalled packages

  • jest
  • react-test-renderer
  • babel-jest
  • @react-native-community/eslint-config
  • @types/react-test-renderer
  • @types/jest

Files and folders removed, renamed and added

  • Removed: /__tests__/, /android/, /ios/, /.buckconfig, /.editorconfig, /.prettierrc.js, /.gitattributes, /.watchmanconfig, /yarn.lock.
  • Renamed: /.eslintrc.js/ -> /.eslintrc.
  • Added: /.eslintignore, /src/ and its sub-folders.

File changes

  • /.eslintrc: Added personal preferences and removed extends. I suggest taking a look at this prior to development.
  • /package.json: Removed 'test' script, removed resolutions and jest keys.
  • /tsconfig.json: Replaced with my own tsconfig file. I suggest taking a look at this prior to development.
  • /babel.config.js: Added jsx transform (no need to import 'React' every file 🙏🙏🙏), module resolver previously mentioned and added preset @babel/preset-typescript.

How to use the template

  1. Clone this repo. I will reference this template moving forward as Template.
  2. Remove all .keep files. Needed to make them to show file /src/ file structure.
  3. Create another project with the desired name using the command: npx react-native init PROJECT_NAME_HERE --template react-native-template-typescript. I will reference this project moving forward was TempProject.
  4. Copy TempProject's /android/ and /ios/ folders -> Template.
  5. Copy TempProject's /app.json -> Template.
  6. Replace Template's name value in /package.json with TempProject's.
  7. Command yarn or yarn install.
  8. Command yarn upgrade.
  9. Restart IDE.


If script ubuild doesn't work, /android/app/src/main/assets directory might not exist, causing the problem.


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