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JRaceman is an open-source canoe and kayak regatta management system (Jimmc's RACE MANager).

The original version of JRaceman was written in Java to run as a standalone program or as a server with a thick client and first released in 2002. This is version 2, rewritten using Go and Lit as a web server that requires no local installation for client users of the system.

Quick start

Install Go compiler

See if the go compiler is already installed on your system:

go version

If not, install Go.

Get the jraceman sources

Once the Go compiler is installed, it can do this for you automatically:

go install


Compile the Go code

Change your working directory to the jraceman directory:

cd ~/go/src/

Compile jraceman:

go build

This creates the executable jraceman in the jraceman directory.

NOTE: If you have permission problems, you may need to open up the permissions within your ~/go folder with a command such as the following:

chmod +w -R ~/go/pkg/mod/

Test the Go code

Run the unit tests:

go test ./...

NOTE: You may need to enable CGO in order to run the unit tests:

export CGO_ENABLED=1

NOTE: You may need to install some additional tools. This might help:

sudo apt-get install build-essentials

If you want to check the unit test coverage:

go test ./... -coverprofile=cover.out
go tool cover -html=cover.out -o cover.html
# Open cover.html in your browser

Build the UI pages

Follow the instructions in the _ui directory.

Make your database

JRaceman uses the glog logging package, which by default sends output to files in /tmp. During setup, it is typically simpler to direct this output to stderr so that it comes directly to the terminal. To do this, add the -logtostderr command line option to all of the jraceman commands in this section.

Choose a location for your database

Select a location for your database, such a $HOME/jrdb, and pass that value to the -db option to jraceman when you run it. The commands in this section assume you have set the JRDB environment variable to point to the location of your database. If your database is located at $HOME/jrdb, you can use the following line to sh:

export JRDB $HOME/jrdb

Create a new empty database

Select a location for your database, for example $HOME/jrdb, then run the jraceman binary specifying that database:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -create

You can import a jraceman data file. For example, if you have the jraceman v1 source files in $JRACEMAN, you can load the USACK sports definition:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -import $JRACEMAN/data/usack-sports.txt

Upgrade the database

If you did not use the latest JRaceman v2 data file to create your database, upgrade it so that it includes all the tables it needs. You can start with a dry run:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -checkupgrade

Then do the upgrade:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -upgrade

Add a user

You need at least one user in order to log in. Add one:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -updatepassword user1

This will prompt you for a password and ask again for confirmation, then create or update the named user with the new password. Once you have one user, you can then log in and use the Auth Setup tabs to add more users. You can also use the command line option -password to give the password on the command line rather than typing it in twice.

Add standard permissions

API calls require permission, so you will need to add permissions to your database if they are not included in your imported file. To add the standard permissions and a "guru" role that has all permissions, import the standard permissions file:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -logtostderr -import ./_data/stdperms.txt

Grant the "guru" role to your user

Assuming you loaded the standard permissions file, the role ID for the guru role is R1. Assign that role to your user:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -logtostderr -sql \
    "INSERT INTO userrole(id,userid,roleid) VALUES('UR1','U1','R1')"

You can check the IDs of the user and role before running this command by doing some SQL queries, for example:

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -logtostderr -sql "SELECT * FROM user"

Run the server

./jraceman -db sqlite3:$JRDB -logtostderr


To view the go documentation in your web browser:

godoc -http=":6060"

Then open localhost:6060 in your browser.


For information about developing additional code for JRaceman, see


An open-source canoe and kayak regatta management system







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