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R Training

Lifecycle: experimental Project Status: WIP


Package {rtraining}: R Training Resources, Guides, Tips, and Knowledge Base.
Current version is 0.0.1.

The goal of rtraining is to provide useful resources, knowledge, and walkthroughs for new R developers.

The package is split into three main areas:

  1. R Setup and Configuration: a thorough walkthrough for setting up and configuring R, RStudio, and various other software in an efficient manner.

  2. R Workflows: example workflows showcasing the main types of work done with R, including, but not limited to R Data Analysis Projects, Reporting with RMarkdown, R Shiny Applications, R Package Development.

  3. R Tips & Tricks: General tips and tricks learned over time from my experiences with R.


You can install the released version of rtraining from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

The list of dependencies required to install this package is: attachment, chameleon, devtools, knitr, pkgdown, rmarkdown, roxygen2, utils, xfun.

To install the package, you can run the following script

# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_local(path = "rtraining_0.0.1.tar.gz")

In case something went wrong, you may want to install dependencies before using:

# Remotes ----
# Attachments ----
to_install <- c("xfun")
  for (i in to_install) {
    message(paste("looking for ", i))
    if (!requireNamespace(i)) {
      message(paste("     installing", i))

Once you have the package installed you can open the website directly by running:


Similarly you can open the package bookdown with:
