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A program to control a Raspberry Pi with a Unicorn HAT from a web interface


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MatrixDisplay is a Python program used to display images on the Pimoroni Unicorn HAT for Raspberry Pi through a web interface.


This project exists mainly as a way for me to try a new programming language, as well as to create a project that has both software and hardware aspects in it. I also just wanted to make my own smart home gadget.


Web Interface

On the same network as the Raspberry Pi, open your browser to http://yourpihostname.local:8080/ui. From there, you can control the display output from a web interface. Note that this page does not automatically refresh; it only updates when you click something or manually refresh the page.

Example Web Interface


This API is used by the web interface, but can also be used by other programs to control the display.


  • http://DISPLAY-IP:8080/ui: Get web interface HTML
  • http://DISPLAY-IP:8080/api: Get device state as JSON


  • http://DISPLAY-IP:8080/api: Set device state with JSON

JSON Format

  "mode": "off",
  "image": "image.png",
  "display_time": 0,
  "color": "000000",
  "brightness": 100,
  "warmth": 0
  • mode: image, slideshow, color, or off
  • image: Image file name
  • display_time: Display time for slideshow in seconds
  • color: Color for color mode in hex
  • brightness: Display brightness as a percent
  • warmth: Display warmth as a percent





  1. Install Python 3.
  2. Clone or download this repository onto the Raspberry Pi.
  3. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  4. If using Systemd to auto-start the program, Create the following matrixdisplay.service file in /etc/systemd/system/, making sure to change the WorkingDirectory and ExecStart, as well as the User:
Description = MatrixDisplay Program
After =

WorkingDirectory = /path/to/MatrixDisplay/
ExecStart = /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/
User = set_user_here
Type = simple
Restart = on-failure

WantedBy =



Run sudo python3 /path/to/


Run sudo systemctl enable matrixdisplay && sudo systemctl start matrixdisplay to start the service and set it to run at boot.


There are two configurable values located in

  • pictures_dir: The location of the directory where images are stored. This directory should only contain images and no hidden files.
    • When adding images to this directory, you must refresh the web interface for the images list to update.
    • If running the slideshow, you must restart the slideshow mode for the new images to show up.
  • cache_dir: The location of the directory where cached images will be saved.
    • If an image is ever modified in the pictures directory, remove the corresponding file from this directory to have it be regenerated.


  1. Re-download or git pull (if you cloned) this repository.
  2. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install any new requirements.
  3. Restart the program. (If using systemd, run sudo systemctl restart matrixdisplay).

Home Assistant

This project can be added to Home Assistant using the RESTful Switch integration. The following is an example entry in configuration.yaml to add a switch to Home Assistant that turns the display on to slideshow mode with set brightness and warmth, as well as turn it off:

  - platform: rest
    resource: http://DISPLAY-IP:8080/api
    body_on: '{"mode": "slideshow", "display_time": 60, "brightness": 40, "warmth": 20}'
    body_off: '{"mode": "off"}'
    is_on_template: '{{ value_json.mode != "off" }}'
      Content-Type: application/json
    verify_ssl: false
    name: matrix_display


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