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CloneSquad, an AWS EC2 Pet Autoscaler

CloneSquad provides Elasticity to Pet EC2 instances: A single CloneSquad deployment can manage one autoscaled main fleet and any amount of manually scaled subfleets.

Per design, CloneSquad only starts and stops existing EC2 instances (i.e. it never creates or terminates instances): It uses a small set of tags to identify which EC2 instances are under its control.

CloneSquad is designed to be used when AWS Auto Scaling cannot be: The EC2 instances in the main autoscaled fleet can leverage standard AWS ALB/NLBs, target groups and health checks mechanisms.

CloneSquad is a ServerLess solution relying on CloudFormation, Lambda, SQS, SNS and DynamoDB AWS services: It can be deployed as many times as needed per AWS account and per region depending on your autoscaling needs.

Features and Benefits (Please also read the FAQ)

  • Main fleet:

    • Autoscaling mode,
    • Desired instance count mode,
      • Define the precise amount of expected serving EC2 instances (specified in absolute or percentage)
    • Multi targetgroup support (associated to one or multiple ALB or NLB at the same time),
      • Note: CloneSquad can also work without any managed TargetGroup if not applicable to user use-case.
    • (Optional) 'LightHouse' mode to run automatically cheap instance types during low activity periods,
    • (Optional) One dedicated CloudWatch dashboard.
  • Subfleet(s):

    • Manage groups of EC2 Instances WITHOUT autoscaling need (i.e. scaled manually based on time scheduling or other external scaling decision mechanisms and managed through the API Gateway),
      • Desired instance count is the only supported mode to control the amount of EC2 resources to start in each subfleet.
    • Manage also RDS databases and TransferFamily servers (simple start/stop use-cases),
    • (Optional) One subfleet dedicated CloudWatch dashboard.
  • Characteristics shared by all kinds of fleet:

    • Always-on Availability Zone instance balancing algorithm,
      • Ex: If multiple instances need to be running in a given fleet, CloneSquad will try to select instances evenly spread in different AZs.
    • Automatic replacement of unhealthy/unavail/impaired instances (Replacement means stop of faulty instance(s) and start of a stopped instance(s)),
    • Manual or automatic instance eviction in case of an AWS Region outage affecting one or more AZs,
    • (Optional) Vertical scaling (by leveraging Spot'ness and instance type distribution in the fleet),
    • (Optional) Support for Maintenance Window and In-instance Event notifications with SSM (AWS System Manager)
    • (Optional) Support for 'persistent' Spot instances aside of On-Demand ones in the same fleet with configurable priorities and Spot Rebalance recommendation/interruption handling,
    • (Optional) Instance bouncing: Frictionless fleet rebalancing and AWS hypervisor maintenance by performing a permanent rolling state cycle (periodic start/stop of instances),
    • (Optional) Smart management of t[3|4].xxx burstable instances (aka 'CPU Crediting mode' to avoid overcost linked to unlimited bursting),
    • Integrated event scheduler ('cron' or 'rate' based) for complex scaling scenario,
    • API Gateway to monitor and manage a CloneSquad deployment,
    • Events & Notifications (Lambda/SQS/SNS targets) framework enabling users to react to Squad events (ex: Register a just-started instance to an external monitoring solution and/or DNS),
    • Backup and Metadata management (with integrated CMDB feature).

IMPORTANT REMARK: This solution aims to ease handling of 'Pet' machines when you have to do so (very frequent after a pure Lift&Shift migration into the Cloud). The author strongly advises to always consider managing resources as 'Cattle' (with IaC, AutoScaling Groups, Stateless...). As a consequence, this solution should be only useful transient while transitionning to Cloud Native best-practices.

Installing / Getting started


  • An S3 bucket to upload the CloneSquad artifacts
  • An EC2 instance with 'aws-cli', Docker installed and an attached role allowing upload to the previously defined S3 bucket

Step 1) Extract and Upload the latest CloneSquad CloudFormation template and associated artifacts

CLONESQUAD_S3_PREFIX="clonesquad-artifacts" # Note: Prefix MUST be non-empty
docker pull clonesquad/devkit:${CLONESQUAD_VERSION}
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:-$(curl -s | sed 's/\(.*\)[a-z]/\1/')}
# Upload template.yaml and CloneSquad Lambda functions to specified S3 bucket and prefix
docker run --rm clonesquad/devkit:${CLONESQUAD_VERSION} extract-version "${CLONESQUAD_S3_BUCKETNAME}" "${CLONESQUAD_S3_PREFIX}" latest s3
# Deploy a CloneSquad setup to manage GroupName=test (see Documentation for Group name concept)
aws cloudformation create-stack --template-url${CLONESQUAD_S3_BUCKETNAME}/${CLONESQUAD_S3_PREFIX}/template-${CLONESQUAD_VERSION}.yaml \
    --stack-name MyFirstCloneSquad-${CLONESQUAD_GROUPNAME} \
    --parameter "[{\"ParameterKey\":\"GroupName\",\"ParameterValue\":\"${CLONESQUAD_GROUPNAME}\"}]"
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name MyFirstCloneSquad-${CLONESQUAD_GROUPNAME}

Note: If you get the error 'fatal error: Unable to locate credentials', you may have forgot to set a valid IAM role on the EC2 deployment instance.

This CloneSquad deployment is now ready to manage all EC2 instances and EC2 Targetgroups tagged with key clonesquad:group-name and value test.

You should see a dashboard named CS-test in the CloudWatch console looking like this (but blank, without any graphs):

CloudWatch dashboard

Step 2) Give to your CloneSquad deployment some EC2 instances and Targetgroups to manage

Next step is to create instances with this appropriate clonesquad:group-name tag defined. For a quick demonstration using a fleet of 20 instances mixing Spot and On-Demand instances, go to examples/environments/demo-instance-fleet.

In order to deploy this demonstration, you MUST configure the CloneSquad DevKit once and run the deploy script from within this container: See instructions!

Optional next step is to define also the tag clonesquad:group-name with value test on one or more EC2 targetgroups: CloneSquad will automatically manage the membership of previousy created instances to these targetgroups. The demo-loadbalancers demonstration is showing this.

Initial Configuration

The default configuration has all scaling activities disabled in all fleets. In the DynamoDB table CloneSquad-test-Configuration, to enable auto-scaling, create a record with these 2 items:

  • Key with the string value ec2.schedule.desired_instance_count ,
  • Value with the string value -1.

A pre-defined directive is already set to keep the autoscaled serving fleet with, at least, 2 serving/healthy instances. Vertical scaling is disabled; 'LightHouse' mode as well. In this default configuration, CloneSquad does not make distinction between Spot and On-Demand instances managing them as an homogenous fleet.

Better benefits can be obtained by using vertical scaling and instance type priorities.

As general concept, the CloneSquad configuration can be done dynamically through a DynamoDB table or using a cascading set of YAML files located on a external Web servers, S3 buckets requiring SigV4 authentication or finally directly embedded within the CloneSquad deployment for maximum resiliency toward external runtime dependencies. See Configuration reference for more information.


CloneSquad uses some AWS resources that will be billed at end of the month.

Below, some rough key figures to build an estimate:

  • CloudWatch
    • Alarms: ((five_permanent_alarms) + (nb_of_serving_instances_at_a_given_time)) * 0.10$ per month
    • Dashboard: 2 x 3$ per month (can be disabled)
    • Metrics:
      • Up to 28 x CloudWatch metrics (0.10$ each) ~2.8$ per month (Metrics can be disabled individually with cloudwatch.metrics.excluded to save costs. Metrics are also disabled if not applicable). Additional metrics are created when using the subfleet feature.
      • GetMetricData API call cost highly depends on number of running EC2 instances at a given time (as a rule of thumb, assume 500 requests per hour (=~3$ per month) when Squad is small/medium; assume more on large Squad and/or with intense and frequent scale out activities.
  • Lambda
    • The 'Main' Lambda function runs every 20 seconds by default for <4 seconds (~5$ per month)
  • DynamoDB
    • Should be a few $ per month depending on scaling activities. See DynamodDBConfiguration parameter to configure DynamoDB tables in PROVISIONED capacity billing model instead of default PAY_PER_REQUEST to significantly reduce these costs if needed.
  • X-Ray
    • Few cents per month (can be disabled)

WARNING: The provided demonstrations deploy EC2 Instances with AWS Cloudwatch Log agents enabled that create tens of Custom metrics (RAM...). These custom metrics will generate a significant part of the demonstration CloudWatch bill and should not be considered as part of the CloneSquad cost.



If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.

Developping / Building / Releasing

See dedicated documentation.