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Releases: jbolda/gatsby-source-airtable

gatsby-source-airtable v2.3.0

23 May 13:26
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  • This makes the fileNode pull name from the airtable metadata instead of the
    remote file, because when an airtable user changes the file name, airtable does
    not rename the original url. This change makes file name changes in airtable
    usable in the fileNode instead of needing to download, rename, and re-upload the
    • 4c107f6 Adding change file on 2021-12-13
    • 0d8c3f2 Copy/pasted from the example without changing the type, oops! on 2021-12-13
    • d7200c0 apply suggestions from code review on 2022-05-21

Explicitly Set Remote Files Type

24 Apr 18:20
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This includes #172 to send the ext argument through when dealing with attachments. This may help with the inference upstream from this plugin by @dgrcode.

It also includes some doc maintenance in #180 and #184 by @grikomsn.

Thanks to the both of you!

npm notice package: gatsby-source-airtable@2.1.1
npm notice === Tarball Contents ===
npm notice 1.1kB  LICENSE
npm notice 13.1kB gatsby-node.js
npm notice 7B     index.js
npm notice 1.1kB  package.json
npm notice 19.1kB
npm notice === Tarball Details ===
npm notice name:          gatsby-source-airtable
npm notice version:       2.1.1
npm notice package size:  10.7 kB
npm notice unpacked size: 34.4 kB
npm notice shasum:        a864be9900f252267a73aed38072e7ee89af8d6c
npm notice integrity:     sha512-VLTB9iny0Vqf9[...]Eqb4aO1kYCBIA==
npm notice total files:   5
npm notice
+ gatsby-source-airtable@2.1.1

multi-type parent and children nodes

20 Feb 14:32
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This release allows one to suffix both the parent node, Airtable, and the children node (used in mapping), AirtableField, to avoid issues where different type data were clashing. This is primarily the work from #121 (and further links).

We have also updated the Airtable.js version on which we rely, and added the all-contributors functionality.

Multi-type Nodes Beta

16 Feb 06:30
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Multi-type Nodes Beta Pre-release

This is the beta release of the ability to suffix both parent nodes, e.g. allAirtableSuffix, and mapping nodes, e.g. allAirtableFieldtextmarkdown. This is primarily the work from #121.

AirtableField many node types

26 Nov 04:49
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This is an alpha version of supporting multiple types. This will allow you to have many different child node types, which means there won't be clashes when you have different types of data contained in the child nodes. (You can map both mdx and pictures at the same time.) This version is based on #115. Ongoing work can be seen in #121.

shhhh, the should have been a dev version 😬

26 Nov 04:00
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This should have been released under a dev version. We followed this version with a patch, and reintroduced it as a dev version.

Await Child Nodes

26 Nov 04:04
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This version fixes a bug that was introduced in gatsby@2.18.0. It is less forgiving about letting promises resolve in nodes after creation. Fixed in #119 and first noted in #117.

Airtable Version Bump

31 Oct 02:03
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We updated airtable to v0.7.2 in #103. Thanks @EvanHahn.

Bump Deps for Lodash

10 Sep 12:07
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We bumped the airtable dependency so it stops squawking about the security vulnerability.

Brought up in #62 and fixed by @jamessimone in #63. Thanks!

Dodging The Rate Limit

22 Apr 11:43
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Thanks to @jonesbp in #50, we brought back Bluebird to help with rate limiting when downloading attachments. This helps avoid the limits on (what we assume are) Airtable's CDN. A little bit of guesswork went into the default limit, but you can configure your own as well.