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Welcome to my portfolio! Here, I showcase my expertise in Front-End development and my passion for software development. Explore my projects, skills, and experiences to get a glimpse into my journey in the tech world.

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My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio! 🚀 Here, I showcase my journey, projects, and expertise in Fullstack Development. Dive in to explore my passion for Software Development and discover how I bring creativity and innovation to every project. From elegant designs to efficient code, I strive for excellence in every aspect of my work. Join me on this journey as we embark on new challenges and create meaningful experiences together. Let's build something remarkable! 💡✨

Tech Stack

Vite JsreacttypescripttailwindFramer MotionShadCNblendercss3figmagithtml5javascriptpnpmjsgsapzustandi18next	zod zod

Installation and Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd my-portfolio

Install dependencies

  pnpm install

Start the server

  pnpm start


  • About Me/Introduction
  • Resume/CV
  • Portfolio Showcase
  • Work Samples
  • Skills & Expertise
  • Contact Information
  • Testimonials/Recommendations
  • Awards, Recognition & Certificates
  • Responsive Design
  • Visual Appeal
  • Navigation
  • Translator Static Text (English, Japanese, Tagalog, Cebuano)
  • Rotating 3D Icon: Implement a visually appealing rotating 3D icon feature to enhance user engagement and aesthetics.
  • Particle Background: Dynamic background particles that move for an immersive browsing experience.
  • Settings Page: Create a dedicated settings page accessible from the website's navigation menu where users can adjust their preferences. Font Family & Color Palette Selection: a dropdown menus or color pickers for users to make their selections.
  • Theme Mode: Offer radio buttons or a dropdown menu to choose between light, dark, or system-based themes.
  • Particle Background Switch: a toggle switch that users can easily turn on or off to enable or disable the particle background effect.
  • Save Settings: Utilize cookies or local storage to save user preferences and apply them across the website.
  • Floating Settings Playground: Incorporate a floating settings icon or button that remains accessible at all times, allowing users to quickly access the settings menu without navigating away from the current page.

Lessons Learned

1. Planning is Key

Before diving into the design and development process, take the time to plan out your portfolio. Define your goals, target audience, and the type of content you want to showcase. This will help guide your decisions throughout the project and ensure that your portfolio effectively communicates your skills and experiences.

2. Keep It Simple and Clear

When designing your portfolio, prioritize simplicity and clarity. Make sure that visitors can easily navigate through your site and find the information they're looking for. Avoid cluttered layouts and excessive animations that may distract from your work.

3. Showcase Your Best Work

Your portfolio is a reflection of your skills and expertise, so be selective about the projects you choose to showcase. Highlight your best work and include detailed case studies or descriptions that demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and the impact of your work.

4. Optimize for Performance

Ensure that your portfolio loads quickly and performs well on different devices and browsers. Optimize images, use efficient code practices, and consider implementing lazy loading to improve loading times. A fast and responsive portfolio will provide a better user experience and leave a positive impression on visitors.

5. Seek Feedback and Iterate

Throughout the development process, solicit feedback from peers, mentors, or potential employers. Use their insights to identify areas for improvement and iterate on your portfolio accordingly. Continuous refinement is key to creating a portfolio that effectively showcases your skills and resonates with your target audience.

6. Showcase Your Personality

While professionalism is important, don't be afraid to inject some personality into your portfolio. Use your About Me section to share your passions, interests, and unique traits. Including personal touches can help you connect with visitors on a more human level and leave a memorable impression.

7. Learn from Others

Take inspiration from other portfolios in your field and analyze what makes them successful. Pay attention to design trends, navigation patterns, and content strategies that resonate with you. Incorporate elements that align with your personal style and brand while putting your own unique spin on them.

8. Keep It Updated

Your portfolio is a dynamic representation of your skills and experiences, so make sure to keep it updated regularly. Add new projects, update your resume/CV, and refresh your content to reflect your latest achievements and learnings. Regular updates demonstrate your commitment to growth and professionalism.

By incorporating these lessons learned into your website portfolio creation process, you can create a compelling and effective showcase of your skills, experiences, and personality.


1. Define Your Goals and Target Audience

Start by defining the purpose of your portfolio and identifying your target audience. Determine what you want to achieve with your portfolio and who you want to reach. Understanding your goals and audience will guide your design and content decisions.

2. Gather Inspiration and Research

Take time to research other portfolio websites in your field and gather inspiration from design trends, layout styles, and content strategies. Analyze what resonates with you and consider how you can incorporate similar elements into your own portfolio while maintaining your unique identity.

3. Plan Your Content and Structure

Outline the content you want to include in your portfolio, such as projects, skills, achievements, and an about me section. Determine the structure of your portfolio and how you will organize and present your content to visitors. Consider usability and navigation to ensure a seamless user experience.

4. Choose Your Tools and Technologies

Select the tools and technologies you'll use to build your portfolio. Depending on your preferences and skill level, you may choose to use website builders, content management systems (CMS), or develop your portfolio from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Explore frameworks and libraries that can help streamline the development process.

5. Design Your Portfolio

Create wireframes and mockups to visualize the layout and design of your portfolio. Consider factors such as color scheme, typography, imagery, and overall aesthetics. Aim for a clean and professional design that highlights your work and personality while maintaining usability and accessibility.

6. Develop and Implement

Begin the development process by coding your portfolio according to the design specifications. Focus on writing clean, efficient code and optimizing your website for performance and responsiveness. Test your portfolio across different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility and usability.

7. Populate Your Portfolio with Content

Add your projects, work samples, skills, and other relevant content to your portfolio. Write compelling descriptions and case studies for each project to provide context and showcase your abilities. Don't forget to include your resume/CV and contact information for potential clients or employers to reach out to you.

8. Test and Iterate

Test your portfolio thoroughly to identify any bugs, usability issues, or areas for improvement. Gather feedback from peers, mentors, or target users and use it to iterate on your portfolio design and content. Continuously refine and enhance your portfolio to ensure it effectively communicates your skills and experiences.

9. Launch and Promote

Once you're satisfied with your portfolio, launch it to the public and promote it through your social media channels, professional networks, and online communities. Share your portfolio with potential clients, employers, and collaborators to showcase your work and attract new opportunities.

10. Maintain and Update

Regularly maintain and update your portfolio to keep it fresh and relevant. Add new projects, update your skills and achievements, and refresh your content to reflect your latest work and experiences. Regular updates demonstrate your ongoing growth and professionalism to visitors.

By following this roadmap, you can create a professional and effective website portfolio that showcases your skills, experiences, and personality to the world.


Welcome to my portfolio! Here, I showcase my expertise in Front-End development and my passion for software development. Explore my projects, skills, and experiences to get a glimpse into my journey in the tech world.





