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@ipolevoy ipolevoy released this 22 Dec 04:08
· 533 commits to master since this release

Module: Other

#1157 - Inflector: implement ability to convert keys in a map to/from CameCase to underscore and back / [enhancement, Module: Other]
#1118 - Log4j implementation is included in the common module / [enhancement, Module: Other]
#1169 - Upgrade to latest version of Jackson / [enhancement, Module: Other]
#1175 - Update dependency log4j version to avoid security vulnerability / [Module: Other]
#1091 - Develop a script to generate release notes / [In-Progress, Module: Other]

Module: AppConfig

#1116 - org.javalite.app_config.EnvironmentSpec cannot be executed in Windows / [bug, Module: AppConfig]
#1133 - Enhance performance of AppConfig.isInTestMode() / [enhancement, Module: AppConfig]
#1154 - Add additional type getters to AppConfig / [enhancement, Module: AppConfig]

Module: ActiveJDBC

#1098 - Migrations: rolling back a transaction does not work with two or more tables in a migration. / [question, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1100 - ActiveJDBC may load the same configuration file twice / [bug, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1101 - Base.find(String query, Object... params) is fetching the whole resultset instead of streaming it / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1093 - ActiveJDBC-KT module is not generating JavaDoc / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1147 - Add getJSONMap(String name) returning JSONMap to Model / [In-Progress, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1156 - Implement a way to convert a model to a map with partial attributes / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1158 - activejdbc.log system property default behavior changed because JDK changed the way it parses system properties with no value / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1160 - Implement handling concurrent calls in getModelRegistry / [enhancement, In-Progress, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1176 - Custom de/serializers / [question, Module: ActiveJDBC]

Module: DB Migrator

#1129 - db-migrator:reset doesn't work with a groove migration / [bug, Module: DB Migrator]
#1127 - Incorrect migration path setup / [bug, Module: DB Migrator]
#1125 - Add ability to use project models and classes in Groovy Migration / [enhancement, Module: DB Migrator]

Module: ActiveWeb

#1081 - Implement SASS compiler implementation / [enhancement, In-Progress, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1094 - ActiveWeb: Implement an exclusive routing flag / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1106 - ActiveWeb: The HTTP method is incorrectly defined if another annotation exists for the action. / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1114 - Provide a better exception login into the application log file in case Guice prevents from starting the app / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1078 - Prevent unexpected session creation / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1132 - method HttpSupport.sendCookie is public / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1134 - Implement a sub-framework for easier JSON processing and validation / [enhancement, In-Progress, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1155 - Implement ability to accept JSONMap as an argument for an action / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1164 - Custom routing breaks in case of a dot in the custom route / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1166 - params() contains no parameters from the query string / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1167 - NPE in tests when passing query string without parameter value in tests / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1165 - POJO conversion doesn't work on Content-Type = application/json; charset=UTF-8 / [bug, In-Progress, Module: ActiveWeb]

Module: HTTP

#1122 - Add .param and .params methods to Http.delete / [enhancement, Module: HTTP]
#1144 - HTTP Put cannot use params / [bug, In-Progress, Module: HTTP]


#1136 - Async cannot serialize JSONMap and JSONList classes: "om.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: No converter available" / [bug, Module-Async]