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@ipolevoy ipolevoy released this 06 Apr 05:31
· 533 commits to master since this release

Module: AppConfig

#1037 - activeEnv is null in AppConfig if no system props are set / [Module: AppConfig]
#1038 - EnvironmentSpec is failing if a local Maven repo is deleted / [Module: AppConfig]

Module: ActiveJDBC

#1009 - How to implement logical delete (SoftDelete) in ActiveJDBC? / [Module: ActiveJDBC, question]
#1011 - 2.3.2-j8 does not detect / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#849 - activejdbc with JaCoCo and sonarqube include coverage of static methods / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#999 - Integrate last changes done on activejdbc module to the activejdbc-kt module / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#944 - Column type seems to be always null in ColumnMetadata / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1019 - Help / [Module: ActiveJDBC, question]
#1015 - MySql column names are being converted to lower case when converting to JSON / [Module: ActiveJDBC, question]
#509 - How implement User.where("is_del = 0").where("mobile = ?","130xxxxxx") / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1027 - Implement ability to write DB migration in a Groovy Script / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1026 - [Java8] Ignore metamodel serialization errors (fixes #1023) / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1023 - [Static metadata generation] Log error instead of exception when table is not found. / [Module: ActiveJDBC, enhancement]
#1030 - System property active_env is not working for opening connections during tests / [Module: ActiveJDBC, bug]
#1049 - DB Migrator caches Cassandra driver if multiple executions are used (Java 13) / [Module: ActiveJDBC, bug]
#1053 - Update / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1043 - Implement support for Cassandra in DB-Migrator plugin / [Module: ActiveJDBC, enhancement]

Module: ActiveWeb

#945 - Write documentation for development custom tags and wrapped layouts / [Module: ActiveWeb]
#1029 - Update / [Module: ActiveWeb]
#1035 - Using init params in filters / [Module: ActiveWeb, question]
#1021 - HTTP Request Conversion and Validation Specification / [Module: ActiveWeb, enhancement]
#1033 - RouteConfig and path mapping when application deployed with context path (not as ROOT app) / [Module: ActiveWeb, question]
#1039 - Inherited methods stopped to work for AbstractLesscController / [Module: ActiveWeb]
#1045 - RequestAccess in java8 branch is not setting session value / [Module: ActiveWeb, bug]
#1047 - Update / [Module: ActiveWeb]
#1046 - [ActiveWeb] Show some message on 405 errors / [Module: ActiveWeb]
#1048 - #1046 [ActiveWeb] Show some message on 405 errors / [Module: ActiveWeb]


#929 - Upgrade Artemis to latest version / [Module-Async]
#1017 - JavaDoc plugin fails on JMS / [Module-Async]

Module: Other

#1012 - Aggregate all examples under the same root module / [Module: Other]
#837 - Implement Log4j2 support / [Module: Other]#1044 - Async: Add support for scheduled delivery time. / [Module-Async, enhancement]