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v3.0 for Java 16

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@ipolevoy ipolevoy released this 12 Jun 02:01
· 39 commits to master since this release

Module: Other

#1209 - Add convenience methods to JSONHelper: jsonString("name", "value", ....) / [Module: Other]
#1210 - Implement a convenience constructor: JSONMap(String ... namesAndValues) / [Module: Other]
#1219 - Convert.toLocaldate(java.sql.Date) generates UnsupportedOperationException / [Module: Other]
#1229 - Add regexp flags to RegexpValidator / [enhancement, Module: Other]
#1259 - JSpec missing a space in the validation message / [bug, Module: Other]
#1249 - Upgrade vulnerable log4j / [enhancement, Module: Other]
#1253 - Add Validation documentation / [Module: Other, Chore]
#1236 - Make NumericValidator locale-independent / [enhancement, Module: Other]

Module: AppConfig

#1120 - Implement all methods of Map in AppConfig / [enhancement, Module: AppConfig]
#1213 - Implement ability to override AppConfig properties by environment variables / [In-Progress, Module: AppConfig]

Module: ActiveJDBC

#1185 - Upgrade to new version of H2 broke SQL / [bug, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1090 - Add LocalDateTime conversion to the Convert class / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1187 - Last snapshot (04/12/2022) java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException / [bug, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1190 - 3.0-SNAPSHOT: class file has wrong version 60.0, should be 55.0 / [bug, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1184 - InitException: Failed to find table / [bug, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1193 - Aggregate all JDBC connection properties for the build / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC, Housekeeping]
#1182 - Commit "Avoid loading duplicate modelFile that will raise a InitException" is missing on 2.6x version from December. 3.x version doesn't contain it as well. / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#640 - Implement handling of postgres types / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1211 - Implement Model.toJSON() method with no parameters / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1214 - getArray() model method is missing in activeJdbc models / [Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1221 - mvn db-migrator:drop should not throw error if database does not exist / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1233 - DBConfiguration.getTestConnectionConfigs is not static / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1241 - ActiveJDBC: a converter should trigger on the set("attribute", value) call / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1252 - Add ability to restore the auto-commit mode after using / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1251 - Add possibility to disable transaction management in DBIntegrationSpec and AppIntegrationSpec / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1257 - Implement Base and DB convenience wrapper methods for working with transactions. / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]
#1282 - Opening and closing connection log messages are too chatty / [enhancement, Module: ActiveJDBC]

Module: ActiveWeb

#1040 - Implement automatic generation of Open API / Swagger documentation from JavaDoc comments in controllers / [Module: ActiveWeb]
#1203 - Upgrade Spring dependency to a new version 5.2.20 / [Module: ActiveWeb, Housekeeping]
#1234 - Implement ability to access AppContext from any ActiveWeb location / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1237 - Fix generic's in AbstractAppControllerConfig / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1243 - Add ability to completely customize routing logic for a route / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1224 - AW Mate plugin does not account for controllers that have a @restful annotation / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1254 - A second subsequent multipart request in one test method returns data from first (multipart) request / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1239 - ActiveWeb: Add a convenience method for working with request headers / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1258 - Add convenience methods to controller specs to work with JSON / [enhancement, In-Progress, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1263 - AWMate Fails to load a controller class / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1266 - Rename the <@table> tag to <@html> tag / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1268 - AW-Mate does not fail the build if a template is not found / [enhancement, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1269 - AW-Mate is not passing the current directory to the <@html templates / [bug, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1271 - A Context cannot accept anything other than Strings as values / [enhancement, Rejected, Module: ActiveWeb]
#1177 - Implement a Websockets support / [enhancement, In-Progress, Module: ActiveWeb]

Module: HTTP

#1208 - Http: add ability to send in a body with the HTTP GET request / [Rejected, Module: HTTP]
#1143 - Add JSON helpers to Http / [enhancement, In-Progress, Module: HTTP]


#1189 - DBCommandListener will swallow an exception in case there is no subclass / [enhancement, Module-Async]
#1264 - Async: Improve error message in case a command does not have a default constructor / [enhancement, Module-Async]
#1247 - Remove implementation of XStream from the system as not secure / [enhancement, In-Progress, Module-Async]