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Devoxx 2013 Hackergarten

Arun Gupta edited this page Nov 9, 2013 · 10 revisions

Welcome to Devoxx 2013 Hackergarten!

Are you ready to learn Java EE 7 and give back ? One of the easiest way is to create unit tests. And now you've the opportunity to help!

There is no better way to understand a technology than looking at simple Hello World samples. Java EE 7 Samples provide a comprehensive resource to new and updated technologies in Java EE 7. Most of them have index.jsp that invoke TestServlet. The actual usage of technology is in the processRequest method which is called from the doGet method.

The goal of this hackergarten is to convert each usage into one or more unit tests. Of course, you can add more tests too :)

Instructions to run the sample on WildFly 8 and GlassFish 4 are explained here. Send a pull request after unit tests are ready.

Expected Goals

  1. Create unit tests by converting TestServlet to JUnit tests. For the converted unit tests, delete index.jsp, TestServlet, and other related artifacts.
  2. Add new unit tests not covered by existing TestServlet.
  3. Test them by running on WildFly beta2 snapshot and GlassFish 4.
  4. File bugs in samples (and even fix them ;-) or in WildFly and (GlassFish).

Additional Goals

  1. Fix any of the open issues.
  2. Try these samples in Eclipse and IntelliJ and update
  3. Improve/Add documentation.

Modus Operandi

  1. Issues have been filed to convert/create unit tests for a technology. Assign an issue to yourself, if not already taken, and start working.
  2. Create unit tests for one sample and send a pull request.
  3. Once the pull request is merged, convert rest of the tests. Feel free to send intermediate pull requests.

We can do more when we work together. Let the hacking begin!