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Project owners: Erik Hellman & Florina Muntenescu (upday)


This sample is based on the TODO-MVP project and uses RxJava for communication between the data model and presenter layers.

Compared to the TODO-MVP, both the Presenter contracts and the implementation of the Views stay the same. The changes are done to the data model layer and in the implementation of the Presenters. For the sake of simplicity we decided to keep the RxJava usage minimal, leaving optimizations like RxJava caching aside.

The data model layer exposes RxJava Observable streams as a way of retrieving tasks. The TasksDataSource interface contains methods like:

Observable<List<Task>> getTasks();

Observable<Task> getTask(@NonNull String taskId);

This is implemented in TasksLocalDataSource with the help of SqlBrite. The result of queries to the database being easily exposed as streams of data.

public Observable<List<Task>> getTasks() {
    return mDatabaseHelper.createQuery(TaskEntry.TABLE_NAME, sql)

The TasksRepository combines the streams of data from the local and the remote data sources, exposing it to whoever needs it. In our project, the Presenters and the unit tests are actually the consumers of these Observables.

The Presenters subscribe to the Observables from the TasksRepository and after manipulating the data, they are the ones that decide what the views should display, in the .subscribe(...) method. Also, the Presenters are the ones that decide on the working threads. For example, in the StatisticsPresenter, we decide on which thread we should do the computation of the active and completed tasks and what should happen when this computation is done: show the statistics, if all is ok; show loading statistics error, if needed; and telling the view that the loading indicator should not be visible anymore.

Subscription subscription = Observable
        .zip(completedTasks, activeTasks, new Func2<Integer, Integer, Pair<Integer, Integer>>() {
            public Pair<Integer, Integer> call(Integer completed, Integer active) {
                return Pair.create(active, completed);
        .subscribe(new Action1<Pair<Integer, Integer>>() {
            public void call(Pair<Integer, Integer> stats) {
                mStatisticsView.showStatistics(stats.first, stats.second);
        }, new Action1<Throwable>() {
            public void call(Throwable throwable) {
        }, new Action0() {
            public void call() {

Handling of the working threads is done with the help of RxJava's Schedulers. For example, the creation of the database together with all the database queries is happening on the IO thread. The subscribeOn and observeOn methods are used in the Presenter classes to define that the Observers will operate on the computation thread and that the observing is on the main thread.


Java 8 Compatibility

This project uses lambda expressions extensively, one of the features of Java 8. To check out how the translation to lambdas was made, check out this commit, where lambdas and the Jack compiler were enabled.


Complexity - understandability

Use of architectural frameworks/libraries/tools:

Building an app with RxJava is not trivial as it uses new concepts.

Conceptual complexity

Developers need to be familiar with RxJava, which is not trivial.


Unit testing

Very High. Given that the RxJava Observables are highly unit testable, unit tests are easy to implement.

UI testing

Similar with TODO-MVP

Code metrics

Compared to TODO-MVP, new classes were added for handing the Schedulers that provide the working threads.

Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Java                            49           1110           1413           3740 (3450 in MVP)
XML                             34             97            337            601
SUM:                            83           1207           1750           4341


Ease of amending or adding a feature


Learning cost

Medium as RxJava is not trivial.


fork from google sample







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