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Added flexibility

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@jaredlander jaredlander released this 11 Jan 20:06
· 96 commits to master since this release

Version 1.2.4

Patched to accommodate changes to ggplot2.

Version 1.2.3

Can run coefplot on a data.frame that is properly setup like on resulting from coefplot(..., plot=FALSE).

Version 1.2.2

Support for glmnet models. Added tests.

Version 1.2.1

In mulitplot there is now an option to reverse the order of the legend so it matches the ordering in the plot.

Version 1.2.0

Major update. The codebase has been refactored to run faster and be easily updated for improvements and adding new models.
New arguments (predictors and coefficients) for specifying coefficients to be plotted both by indicating the specific coefficients (including specific factor levels) or by specifying the predictors that created coefficients. This is particularly important for factor variables and interactions.
New argument (newNames) for giving new names to coefficients.
Mulitplot can be used to plot Andy Gelman's secret weapon by setting secret.weapon to TRUE and selecting just one coefficient in coefficients. For a vertical secret weapon set by to "Model" and horizontal to FALSE.
Faceting a single model no longer works.