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Minify HTML in production using html-minifier with Snowpack

npm i snowpack-plugin-minify-html

Types Build status NPM Version MIT License

When to use this

You should only use this if you aren't already using a bundler (Webpack, Parcel, Rollup) to build your production site.

Quick start

// snowpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
         * @see Plugin Options below
        htmlMinifierOptions: {
          sortAttributes: true,
          removeComments: true,

Plugin Options

export interface SnowpackPluginHtmlMinifierOptions {
   * An array of glob patterns for files you want to explicitly include
   * for html-minifier minification. By default all HTML files are included.
  include?: string[]
   * An array of glob patterns for files you want to exclude from
   * html-minifier minification
  exclude?: string[]
   * html-minifier minify() options passed directly to html-minifier
   * @see
  htmlMinifierOptions?: htmlMinifier.Options