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A Web Component and a pattern for generating and including SVG spites

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SVG Icon Sprite - Web Component

A Web Component to include and manipulate SVGs from a generated sprite file


Demo Screenshot

Try out the svg-icon-sprite demo

Use Cases

  • Serve all your SVG icons from a single file
  • Fill, scale and manipulate your icons
  • Optionally, generate the sprite file using the provided CLI script


  • dependency-free
  • tiny 3KB (1.3KB gzipped)
  • based on current web standards

Import the component

In static web pages

Simply reference the main file using the script tag in your HTML head

  <script type="module" src="svg-icon-sprite/dist/svg-icon-sprite.js"></script>

Via a module bundler

If you are using a bundler, import the node module via

// Webpack or some ES6-style bundler
import 'svg-icon-sprite';

// Browserify (CommonJS)
const SvgIcon = require('svg-icon-sprite');

Use the component

Now that the web component is registered, you can invoke using the svg-icon tag

  viewBox="0 0 24 24"

Above markup example will render the explore icon that is included in the file assets/sprites/sprite.svg as a symbol - read how to generate.


  • src - source relative to your app folder, syntax is folder/file#icon where icon is the filename of the SVG
  • width optional - width of the SVG in any length unit (i.e. 32px, 50%, auto etc.), default is 100%
  • height optional - the height of the SVG in any length unit
  • classes optional - class name(s) separated by spaces
  • viewBox optional - define lengths and coordinates in order to scale to fit the total space available


This icon pattern works best when applied on single color icons (SVGs that do not have fill or stroke attributes). This enables you to use CSS rules to change the icon's color:

svg-icon {
  color: red;

When used with icons that contain styles inside their markup (multi-color), you will not be able to apply this CSS property without further work.

Scaling and Sizing

If your SVG does not scale like expected (i.e. it is cropped or larger than desired) it might be lacking a viewBox. Set the viewBox property manually to match the size of the exported shape. A combination of the correct viewBox and width is required.

<!-- i.e. lower '0 0 24 24' to '0 0 20 20' to scale up -->
<svg-icon src="assets/sprites/sprite.svg#star"
  viewBox="0 0 24 24"

See the viewBox example for further details. Still troubled? Then read this article.

Default sprite path

You can set the default sprite path by adding the attribute data-svg-sprite-path to any meta tag in your html head

  <meta name="application-name" content="Name of Your App" data-svg-sprite-path="../assets/sprites/sprite.svg">

From now on you just need to pass the icon name as src attribute, i.e. src="explore"


Using inside of Angular or React

The SVG-Icon web component matches perfectly with SPA like Angular or React

Polyfills and browser support

As Web Components are not supported in older browsers, you might want to install a polyfill

npm i @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs

and include it in the head of your index.html

<script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-bundle.js"></script>

This should enable support in all evergreen browsers (also including Edge, Safari 9+). To learn more, read this.

Generating the sprite

Each time you add an icon, you need to run a script generating the sprite. This module ships with a generator CLI script. It is recommended to add the following line to your npm scripts

"scripts": {
  "generate:sprite": "svg-icon-generate --folder=dir/subdir --output=dir/filename.svg"

That lets you run the generator via

npm run generate:sprite

You can pass following arguments the form <param>=<value>

Parameter Explanation Default
--folder Path of the source folder relative to your package.json
--output Path and filename for the sprite output sprite.svg
--strip Whether to remove fill and stroke attributes false
--trim Whether to remove all whitespaces (tabs, linebreaks etc.) false

Example usage

svg-icon-generate --folder=assets/icons --output=assets/sprites/sprite.svg --trim

The included script will iterate all SVGs in the source folder and create a single sprite SVG file using the symbols technique.

Author & License

  • Jan Suwart | MIT License