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Scheduler Project

React scheduler with up to five appointments per day.

Deployed api server using Heroku + CircleCI for build integration + Netlify for hosting the production code.

Tested with Jest + React-testing-library for unit tests and integration. Tested with Cypress for E2E.

Final Product

Landing page, with up to five appointments per day and dynamic counter for the remaining spots.

Creating a new appointment

Allows the creation (or edition) of an appointment, by entering the name and selecting the interviewer.

"create new appointment"

Contextual warnings

Warns the user if name field was left empty.

"contextual error"

Adaptive design

Mobile ready platform.

"adaptive design"

Transition states

Saving and deleting animated transitions.

"state transitions"

Deletion confirmation

Confirms deletion of appointments.

"deletion confirmation"

Error handling

Displays error in case of an error reaching the API.

"error handling"

Storybook Component Tests

Built-in storybook components tests.

"storybook tests"

Cypress E2E Tests

Built-in cypress end to end tests.

"cypress tests"

Jest Unit Tests

Built-in jest test coverage.

"jest tests"


  • axios
  • classnames
  • normalize.css
  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-scripts

Getting Started

  • Install all dependencies (using the npm install command).
  • Get and install the server.
  • Run both the server and the client.


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