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This is a team project and consisted of 3 Parts:

Part 1

Part 1 is to perform a competitive analysis and user research on a mobile application (we chose a fitness application). The competitive analysis includes the types of intended users, the main competitors on the market, main tasks that the users expect to accomplish in the application, and analyzing one fitness application based on the user interface using Neilsen's usability guidelines and heuristics. Moreover, this part implemented design directions based on the survey taken.

Part 2

Part 2 is about understanding users and designing wireframes. This part includes features like the user's personas, context scenarios, key path scenarios with the functions in the wireframes, features implemented in the wireframes, and applying design principles and heuristics on the features. The wireframes are build using the software Figma

Part 3

Part 3 is about building the application prototype and testing. This part includes converting the wireframe into an actual prototype and do user testing with the prototype. The prototypes are build using the software Figma



Implementation of the prototype:


This project was done by: Jainam Doshi, Clinton Thai, Qiwen Dun, Lang Chen and Ethan Pak