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Adding Kustom assets

Jahir Fiquitiva edited this page Mar 18, 2020 · 5 revisions

Kustom require a set of files that go into 4 folders, depending on the asset: komponents, wallpapers, widgets, lockscreens.

Those 4 folders are inside src/main/assets.

Copy your widgets files into the respective folders, keeping these things in mind:

  • komponents: the file must end with extension.
  • wallpapers: the file must end with extension.
  • widgets: the file must end with extension.
  • lockscreens: the file must end with extension.

Check the sample app assets for a real example.

And that's it.

Enabling the Kustom support in AndroidManifest.xml

Go to your project's AndroidManifest.xml, and search for the lines:

	<!-- TODO: Remove comment marks to enable Kustom Skins
        * Remove intent-filter action lines according to your needs.
		* If you're not going to provide one of the options, remove its respective line.
                <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.WALLPAPERS"/>
                <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.WIDGETS"/>
                <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.KOMPONENTS"/>
                <action android:name="org.kustom.provider.LOCKSCREENS"/>

Remove the comment marks to enable Kustom.

Also, remove the intent filters for the things you won't use or include.

Modifying Kustom pack info.

Go to res/values/kuper_setup.xml and edit whatever you want. I think the comments and names make the things self-explanatory, so it will be easy to do by yourself. This page explains it in full details though.