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Modifying dashboard assets

Lumiq Creative edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 3 revisions

You can easily modify both the launcher icons and system (function) icons in Blueprint.

Modifying launcher icons

To modify the launcher icons which are displayed in the Apply section, add your own replacements to app/src/main/res/drawable-nodpi. Choose any launcher icon you'd like to modify from here (launcher icon assets begin with ic_), and create a replacement file (PNG, 512x512 pixels). Drop it into the previously mentioned path, and you're done.

Modifying system (function) icons

Replacing the system icons is very similar to modifying the launcher ones. Navigate to app/src/main/res and create a folder called drawable there. Choose any system icon you'd like to modify from here (system icon assets begin with ic_), and create a replacement file (SVG, 24x24 pixels). Go to this website and convert your SVG into an XML vector drawable. Drop the generated file into the previously mentioned path, and you're done.

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