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An incomplete list of custom functions I've made for Google Sheets. Documentation is found within each file.


  • CRATE - Sort options into groups so their sum is as close to a target as possible.
  • EXPLODE - Split up concatenated data in a column by duplicating rows.
  • FIZZBUZZ - Return an array of fizz buzz results.
  • GREEDY - Return the minimum count of each given option needed to reach a target.


  • ARRAYSTRING - Join 2D arrays using separate row and column delimitators.
  • COLUMN_JOIN - Join columns by row, optionally prefixing with the column header.
  • PERIODIC_AMOUNTS - Return dates that an amount would appear over a given period
  • PERMUTE - Return all combinations of items from the columns of the input.
  • PERMUTE_VAR - Return all combinations of items from a one-dimensional list, where combinations can have different lengths.

Conditions / Checks

  • CONTAINS - Returns TRUE if any of the values in the range contain the term.
  • EVERY - Returns TRUE if all of the values in the range have a truthy value.
  • IFBLANK - Like IFERROR, but for blank cells.
  • IFEQUAL - Return a value if two parameters are equal, otherwise return the first argument.
  • INSTANCE_NUMBER - Return an array of instance numbers corresponding to items in a one-dimensional list.
  • SOME - Returns TRUE if any of the values in the range have a truthy value.


  • CELLWIDTH - Get the width of a cell in pixels.
  • EXCEL_LINK - Return a link to export the current document in .xlsx format.
  • RANDOM - Return a random number between 1 and 0, or between a range. This function replicates RAND() and RANDBETWEEN(), so random values can be used as inputs to custom functions.
  • RANGELINK - Return a URL linking to a specific cell/range.
  • SQSP - Return inventory,order,product, and transaction information from Squarespace.
  • TRAVEL_SECONDS - Return the number of seconds required to travel the first route between two locations. Data from Google Maps.

Scripts or Partial Code

  • file URLs to Drive - Save files from a list of URLs into dynamic locations on Google Drive based on column headings.
  • - Import CSVs to a specific sheet. Designed to be run on a scheduled basis.
  • store function - A helper function for saving and returning data from the Cache and Properties services.
  • POST-to-row - Logs the parameter values of a POST request to then named sheet. Must be set up with a web app deployment.

Redundant or Outdated

  • FORMULATEXT - Return the formula for a given cell. Now redundent, use built-in FORMULA() function instead.
  • TESCO_GROCERY - Return grocery information via Tescos API. Now outdated, Tesco has rescinded access to their API.
  • TRANSLATE - Translate strings from one language to another. Now redundant, use built-in GOOGLETRANSLATE() function instead.
  • UNIQUE_2D - Return a 1-dimensional list of unique items from a 2D array. Unique values are checked by cell content, not whole row content. Includes options for sorting and displaying the item counts. Now redudant, use the built infuctions UNIQUE(FLATTEN()).


A list of custom functions for google sheets






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