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Releases: j3k0/cordova-plugin-purchase


19 Jan 15:18
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Fix store.initialize() when passed a single value

store.initialize() was supposed to work when passed a single value instead of an array. It turns out there was a regression, fixed with this release.

Add store.when().initiated(transaction)

Allows monitoring INITIATED (new) transactions.

store.when().initiated(transaction => {
  // a new transaction has been initiated.


19 Jan 15:18
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(googleplay) Add "isConsumed" to consumed transactions

Local Google Play transaction now contain isConsumed, which is the same as isAcknowledged, but only set for consumable products.

Make it easier to debug callback calls

It's now possible to add a name to callbacks registered with "store.when()"

When callbacks are triggered, the reason is logged to the console.

Prevent instanciating twice

So when ionic packages the plugin with the app code, no double instantiations of the plugin is performed.


19 Jan 15:17
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(appstore) store.restorePurchases() return potential errors

The return value for store.restorePurchases() has been changed from Promise<void> to Promise<IError|undefined>.

You can now inspect the value returned to figure out if processing complete with or without errors.

(appstore) Fix forceReceiptReload

In certain conditions (calls to order and restorePurchases), the AppStore adapter wants to force a refresh of the application receipt. This fix prevents it from returning the version cached in memory.


19 Jan 15:17
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Add CdvPurchase.Utils.platformName()

Convert CdvPurchase.Platform enum values to a more user friendly version.



// returns "App Store" or "Google Play" or "Braintree", ....

Increase expiry monitor's grace period on Google Play

The 10 seconds wait before refreshing an expired subscription on Google Play wasn't enough: increased to 30 seconds.

Ref #1468


19 Jan 15:16
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Fixes for Apple AppStore's introductory periods and
subscription renewals.

Load products and receipts in parallel on Apple

This solves the issue with processing the eligibility of
introductory periods.

Increase grace period for Apple subscription before refresh

After observing that Apple sometime needs more than a
minute before the API returns the subscription renewal
transaction, we increased the local grace period (time
before refresh) to 90 seconds.

CdvPurchase.Internal.ExpiryMonitor.GRACE_PERIOD_MS[Platform.APPLE_APPSTORE] = 90000;


19 Jan 15:16
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Trim product titles on Google Play

Google Play returns the app name in parenthesis in product titles. The plugin
now automatically trims it from the app name.

This behavior can be disabled by setting:

CdvPurchase.GooglePlay.Adapter.trimProductTitles = false

Automatically re-validate just-expired subscriptions

The plugin will now monitor active subscripion purchases (as returned by a
receipt validation service) and re-validate the receipt automatically when the
subscription expires or renews.

You can customize the expiry monitor (which should rarely be needed):

// interval between checks in milliseconds
CdvPurchase.Internal.ExpiryMonitor.INTERVAL_MS = 10000; // default: 10s

// extra time before a subscription is considered expired (when re-validating
// too early, sometime the new transaction isn't available yet).
CdvPurchase.Internal.ExpiryMonitor.GRACE_PERIOD_MS = 10000; // default: 10s

Add expiry date to Test Adapter's subscription

The expiry date was missing from the test product:



22 Sep 10:23
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store.applicationUsername can return undefined

If no user is logged in, you applicationUsername function can return

Add "productId" and "platform" to Error objects

All errors now include the "platform" and "productId" field (when applicable),
to get more context.


22 Sep 10:23
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Fix AppStore eligibility determination of intro period

In the case where the StoreKit SDK doesn't return a "discounts" array,
determining the eligility of the intro period using iaptic was not functional.


07 Sep 14:13
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Upgrade to Google Play Billing library 5.2.1

Adds access to offer and base plan identifiers.

Handle validator answer with code VALIDATOR_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED

For backward compatibility, the validator also support responses with a 6778003
error code (expired) when the validated transaction is expired.

Fix: AppStore adapter should only return a localReceipt on iOS

A dummy appstore receipt was listed on other platforms, this is fixed.

Prevent various issues

Prevent double calls to approved callbacks

Make sure .approved() is only called once during a small time frame.

Skip quick successive calls to store.update()

The update will be performed only if store.update() or store.initialize()
was called less than store.minTimeBetweenUpdates milliseconds.

This make it safer to always call store.update() when entering the app's
Store screen.

Block double callback registrations

Throw an error when attempting the re-register an existing callback for a given
event handler. This is indicative of initialization code being run more than


07 Sep 14:12
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Fix AppStore introctory prices

Fix a regression with introctory prices on iOS. Unclear when this happened,
according to Apple documentation, the "discounts" array should contain the
introctory prices, but it turns out it does not anymore.

Set ES6 as minimal javascript version

Down from ES2015, for broader compatibility.

Ensure verify() resolves even if there's no validator

Some user do not specify a receipt validator but want to call
"transaction.verify()" (for example app building frameworks).

This changes makes sure the behavior gets back like it used to be in earlier
versions of the plugin.