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Merge pull request #42 from ivkos/v3
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Version 3.0.0
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ivkos committed Mar 9, 2015
2 parents a8f3073 + ac7cbd5 commit 26c0ff4
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The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Ivaylo Stoyanov
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Ivaylo Stoyanov <> -

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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292 changes: 198 additions & 94 deletions
@@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
Pushbullet for PHP

## Description
Using this class, you can send push notifications to mobile and desktop devices running **Pushbullet**. The following types of push notifications can be sent:
* notes
* links
* addresses
* checklists
* files (smaller than 25 MB)
A PHP library for the **[Pushbullet](** API allowing you to send all supported push notification types, manage contacts, send SMS messages, create/delete channels, and manage channel subscriptions.

For more information, you can refer to these links:
* **Official website**:
Expand All @@ -17,113 +12,222 @@ For more information, you can refer to these links:

## Requirements
* PHP 5.4.0 or newer
* Composer
* cURL library for PHP
* Your Pushbullet API key (get it here:
* Your Pushbullet access token:

## Install

Via Composer:
Create a `composer.json` file in your project root:

"require": {
"ivkos/pushbullet": "2.*"
"ivkos/pushbullet": "3.*"

## Examples
## Quick Documentation

For more detailed usage information, consult the PHPDoc of the methods.
Add this line to include Composer packages:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// If you don't use Composer, include the class like so:
// require 'src/Pushbullet.php';

try {
// Get your API key here:
$p = new Pushbullet('YOUR_API_KEY');
Initialize Pushbullet with your API key:
// Get your access token here:
$pb = new Pushbullet\Pushbullet('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

// If you get SSL errors while using the library, you may need to point cURL to a CA certificate bundle
$p->addCurlCallback(function ($curl) {
// Get a CA certificate bundle here:
If you use PHP for Windows it *may* be necessary to point cURL to a CA certificate bundle, or disable SSL certificate verification altogether:
Pushbullet\Connection::setCurlCallback(function ($curl) {
// Get a CA certificate bundle here:

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 'C:/path/to/ca-bundle.crt');

// Alternatively, you can disable SSL certificate verification.
// However, this is a bad idea since it makes communication vulnerable to MITM attacks.
// Not recommended! Makes communication vulnerable to MITM attacks:
// curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

#### Get methods

// Print the definitions for your own devices. Useful for getting the 'iden' for using with the push methods.

// Print the definitions for contacts/devices shared with you. Useful for getting 'iden', too.

// Print information about your Pushbullet account

// Print a list of sent push notifications, modified after 1400441645 unix time

#### Push methods

// Push to email a note with a title 'Hey!' and a body 'It works!'
$p->pushNote('', 'Hey!', 'It works!');

// Push to device s2GBpJqaq9IY5nx a note with a title 'Hey!' and a body 'It works!'
$p->pushNote('s2GBpJqaq9IY5nx', 'Hey!', 'It works!');

// Push to device gXVZDd2hLY6TOB1 a link with a title 'ivkos at GitHub', a URL '' and body 'Pretty useful.'
$p->pushLink('gXVZDd2hLY6TOB1', 'ivkos at GitHub', '', 'Pretty useful.');

// Push to device a91kkT2jIICD4JH a Google Maps address with a name 'Google HQ' and an address '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway'
$p->pushAddress('a91kkT2jIICD4JH', 'Google HQ', '1600 Amphitheatre Parkway');

// Push to device qVNRhnXxZzJ95zz a to-do list with a title 'Shopping List' and items 'Milk' and 'Butter'
$p->pushList('qVNRhnXxZzJ95zz', 'Shopping List', array('Milk', 'Butter'));

// Push to device 0PpyWzARDK0w6et the file '../pic.jpg' of MIME type image/jpeg
// Method accepts absolute and relative paths.
$p->pushFile('0PpyWzARDK0w6et', '../pic.jpg', 'image/jpeg');
// If the MIME type argument is omitted, an attempt to guess it will be made.
$p->pushFile('0PpyWzARDK0w6et', '../pic.jpg');

#### Pushing to multiple devices

// Push to all of your own devices, if you set the first argument to NULL or an empty string
$p->pushNote(NULL, 'Some title', 'Some text');
$p->pushNote('', 'Some title', 'Some text');

#### Delete methods

// Delete the push notification with the 'iden' specified

// Delete the device with the 'iden' specified

// Delete the contact with the 'iden' specified
} catch (PushbulletException $e) {
// Exception handling

### Devices
To list all active devices on your account:
Returns an array of `Device` objects.


You can target a particular device by using its `iden` or `nickname`:
$pb->device("Galaxy S4")->getPhonebook();
Returns an array of `PhonebookEntry` objects with names and phone numbers.

### Push Notifications
You can use `push*` methods for `Contact`, `Channel` and `Device` objects. Every `push*` method returns a `Push` object. If an object cannot be pushed to, a `NotPushableException` will be thrown.

#### Note

- Title
- Body

$pb->device("Galaxy S4")->pushNote("Hello world!", "Lorem ipsum...");

#### Link

- Title
- Body

$pb->device("Galaxy S4")->pushLink("ivkos on GitHub", "", "Look at my page!");

#### Address

- Name - the place's name.
- Address - the place's address or a map search query.

$pb->device("Galaxy S4")->pushAddress("Google HQ", "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway");

#### List

- Title
- Array of items in the list

$pb->device("Galaxy S4")->pushList("Shopping List", [

#### File

- File path
- MIME type (optional) - if `null`, MIME type will be magically guessed
- Title (optional)
- Body (optional)
- Alternative file name (optional) - push the file as if it had this file name

$pb->device("Galaxy S4")->pushFile(
"Look at this photo!",
"I think it's pretty cool",

### SMS Messaging
You can send SMS messages only from supported devices. If an attempt is made to send an SMS message from a device doesn't support it, a `NoSmsException` will be thrown.

$pb->device("Galaxy S4")->sendSms("+359123", "Hello there!");

Send an SMS text to all people in a device's phonebook:
$people = $pb->device("Galaxy S4")->getPhonebook();

foreach ($people as $person) {
$person->sendSms("Happy New Year!");

### Channel Management
Get a list of channel subscriptions:
Returns an array of `Channel` objects with subscription information.


To subscribe or unsubscribe from channels:
Subscribing to a channel will return a `Channel` object with subscription information.


Get a list of channels created by the current user:
Returns an array of `Channel` objects.


Create a channel named `mychannel`. If this channel tag is already registered, a `ChannelException` will be thrown.
$pb->channel("mychannel")->create("My Channel", "This channel will only push awesome stuff!");
Returns a `Channel` object for the newly created channel.


Delete a channel if you are its creator:

### Contact Management
Contacts are people you can send push notification to. They are not to be confused with entries in a device's phonebook.

To list contacts on your account:
Returns an array of `Contact` objects.


To create a contact:
$pb->createContact("John Doe", "");
Returns a `Contact` object for the newly created contact.


You can target a particular contact by its email or name:
$pb->contact("")->pushNote("Hey John!", "Where are you?");

To delete a contact:

To change a contact's name:
Returns a `Contact` object with an updated name.


***For more detailed documentation, please refer to the PHPDoc in the source files.***
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions composer.json
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"": "src/"
"Pushbullet\\": "src/Pushbullet"

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