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Alexander Amelkin edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 11 revisions


ipmitool provides a simple command-line interface to IPMI-enabled devices through various interfaces, such as IPMIv1.5 or IPMIv2.0 LAN, FreeIPMI, OpenIPMI, Serial, USB, Linux/Solaris kernel driver, and even OpenBMC d-bus.

How to compile IPMItool from the source

make install DESTDIR=/tmp/package-ipmitool

How to get support?


Mailing-list is a good place to ask questions and eventually get help. Also, it might be a good place to get a code review. However, mailing-list doesn't serve for tracking issues and patches. Therefore, for all bugs and improvements, file an issue with GitHub

File an issue with GitHub

Unlike mailing-list, bugs and patches can be tracked this way. Please, attach output from ipmitool as well, if applicable, to demonstrate/point-out issue. If you have created a patch to address the issue, please DO NOT copy and paste it into the issue description or comment, use file attachments instead or better yet create a pull request. The latter makes reviewing your patch especially convenient.

Contact your vendor

What has my vendor to do with IPMI tool? Well, vendor sold you server with (specific and proprietary) implementation of IPMI. Also, vendor has access to manpower, know-how about their IPMI stack implementation and servers to test at. Think of it as a customer service, because it is.

How to contribute

Please refer to this dedicated page.
