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Releases: inuitcss/inuitcss


26 Feb 15:27
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It's finally here! The major release of version 6.0.0. If you have been using any of the previous v6.0.0 pre-release versions of inuitcss, there might be breaking changes affecting your code. Please double-check the following changelog to cover everyone of these potential breaking changes. To see all the changes for every version, check out the file.


Breaking changes

  • Change the way inuitcss deals with the baseline grid, as part of improving the vertical rhythm generated by the inuit-font-size mixin. It includes changes to the mixin and some core variables [#291]
  • Responsive spacings are off by default, now. If you used the class .u-margin-bottom-none@[BREAKPOINT] as the only responsive spacing class in your markup, please make sure that the respective CSS is still generated. If it's not, please define the according classes as follows in your Sass:
$inuit-responsive-spacing-directions: (
  "-bottom": "-bottom",

$inuit-responsive-spacing-properties: (
  "margin": "margin",

$inuit-responsive-spacing-sizes: (
  "-none": 0

If you already altered your responsive spacings in any way, you don't have to worry. [#312]

  • Remove all .o-wrapper modifier and return to the initial, bare wrapper object. [#299]
  • .o-crop and .o-ratio configurable maps now have a different structure, to include named modifiers. [#346]

New features

  • Add .o-crop--fill modifier. [#278]
  • Add .o-ratio--img-contain modifier [#285]
  • .o-crop and .o-ratio objects now receive user defined strings for the ratio modifiers class names. [#346]
  • .o-crop and .o-ratio objects now support decimals as ratios (e.g. 1.618:1 etc.). [#276]
  • Add more positioning modifier classes for the crop object. [#298]


  • Fix o-layout--stretch in conjunction with o-layout--center, o-layout--right and o-layout--left. [#293]
  • Update to Sass’ @else if syntax according to current spec. [#331]
  • Correct filename for _objects.table.scss in example. [#347]

Minor changes

  • Provide opt-out mechanism of static images when width/height attribute is assigned on <img>s. [#328]
  • Provide possibility to reset push/pull. [#316]

Contributors to this release

This list is in no specific order and lists everyone who contributed to this release.

Thanks everyone involved in getting 6.0.0 out there, you are great! ❤️


27 Jun 06:23
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6.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release


This is the fifth beta release of inuitcss v6. This release contains a lot of changes, including breaking changes, deprecations and a lot of improvements, bugfixes and new features.
Please bear this in mind and double-check everything before you upgrade your project to the new version.


Here’s a list of changes since 6.0.0-beta.4: 6.0.0-beta.4...6.0.0-beta.5

In future, we will provide a dedicated changelog file to make it easier to track changes inside the repository without relying on the online website.

Contributors to this release

This list is in no specific order and lists everyone who contributed to this release.

Thank you so much for adding value and your hard work to this project! ❤️🎉