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Releases: intrinio/intrinio-excel

Intrinio Excel Add-In Version 2.8.3

24 Apr 21:08
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  • Added support for case-sensitive security tickers (e.g. "TGPpA") to =IntrinioDataPoint and =IntrinioHistoricalPrices. In prior versions case sensitive tickers would return an "invalid identifier" error.

Intrinio Excel Add-In Version 2.8.2

31 Jan 23:29
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  • Fixed Method 'PrepareCurlRequest' of object 'WebClient' failed Error ("unable to authenticate") in macOS Mojave with Excel version 16.21

  • Added "paste" button to API Key form to work-around cut/paste issues in VBA textbox controls on macOS

  • Switched to authentication using API Key rather than Username / Password (you'll see your API Key here:

  • Updated styling

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.8.1

14 Jul 05:24
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Removed identifier restrictions to allow options and exec comp data. Also updated other libraries.

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.8.0

04 Apr 02:07
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Update all end points to include pagers, consolidate 32bit and 64bit functionality, update libraries.

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.6.1

29 Aug 09:45
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Fixed rounding error on 64bit addin. Fixed ebitdamargin error on Financials templates.

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.6.0

27 Aug 23:25
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Added 64-bit functionality for Mac Excel 2016, added 32-bit functionality for other versions of Mac Excel 2016 & 2011. Added new simpler functions, IDP (IntrinioDataPoint) and IHD (IntrinioHistoricalData). Added 429 and 403 error status code handling - rate limits vs. subscription not valid. Other fine tuning. EXE Installer for Windows now has a SSL certificate.

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.5.0

04 Aug 22:22
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Changed Base URL to Updated VBA-tools to latest version.

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.4.1

11 May 03:51
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Improvements to user experience, bank templates, and more. Improved installation process for Mac. Add links to new tutorial.

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.3.2

31 Mar 08:11
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This is the official release of the Intrino Excel Add-in version 2.3.2. This release includes two updates: a more flexible Intrinio ribbon and fixing a rounding issue with IntrinioHistoricalData.

Intrinio Excel Add-in Version 2.3.1

23 Feb 20:25
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This is the official current release of the Intrino Excel Add-in.