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AML_Arciver Unpacker (imageArcive.arc) to PNG

imageArcive.arc contains most of the images from True Remembrance [Nintendo 3DS].

You can use C # or Python version.


Use ctrtool to extract romfs.


ctrtool --romfsdir=romfs game.3ds


ctrtool --contents=contents game.cia
ctrtool --romfsdir=romfs contents.0000.00000000

imageArcive.arc inside romfs/data/.

C# (faster)

  1. Install .NET Framework 4+. Windows 8 and above have it.
  2. Unpack:
AMLUnpacker.exe imageArcive.arc images_dir

Download AMLUnpacker.exe in releases.

Python 3

  1. Install Python 3.
  2. Install PIL:
pip install -U pillow
  1. Unpack: imageArcive.arc -o images_dir