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Build and flash trust|me

Note: This code repository currently supports the Google Nexus 5 (hammerhead) device only!

Note: For IDS Platform (x86) howto see doc/

Prepare your build machine

In the following, we briefly describe the setup on the example of debian 8 (jessie). For ubuntu have a look at AOSP Initialize Build Environment

Install standard packages

For debian 8 (stable) this would be:

apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev \
    libesd0-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev squashfs-tools zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev \
    pngcrush schedtool libxml2 libxml2-utils xsltproc g++-multilib lib32z1-dev \
    lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev gcc-multilib ccache abootimg \
    qemu-user-static parted qemu-user texlive-latex-base re2c python-protobuf \
    protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler bc lzip

If you followed the AOSP instructions at AOSP Initialize Build Environment, you need the following addtional packages for trust|me

apt-get install qemu-user-static parted qemu-user texlive-latex-base re2c python-protobuf \
    protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler bc lzip

Install java

For lollipop (5.1)

apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk # for lollipop (5.1)

For nougat (7.0) temporarily add the backports to vi /etc/apt/sources.list

used for openjdk-8

deb jessie-backports main

apt-get update
apt-get install -t jessie-backports openjdk-8-jdk-headless openjdk-8-jre-headless # for nougat (7.0)

Install "repo" tool

For more information on repo see AOSP Download Source

mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
chmod a+x repo
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

Install fastboot

apt-get install android-tools-fastboot

Configure "git"

git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

Checkout and prepare build of trust|me

The trustme branches are named after the corresponding aosp tag on which it is based. Currently there are two branches for Android version 5.1.1 and 7.0.0: trustme-5.1.1_r38-github and trustme-7.0.0_r6-github

mkdir -p workspace
cd workspace
repo init -u -m trustme-hammerhead.xml -b trustme-5.1.1_r38-github
repo sync

Prepare PKI

To later be able to sign your build (also replace the test keys inside android with release keys) a test PKI will be setup during first build. This will include a user token which can be used for container encryption.
Change the default passwords in:


The generated user token is not used by default as the device generates its one token during first boot. However there exits provisioning scripts which will replace the usertoken or you can replace it manually as described below.

Enable GApps as feature

If you want to be able to use gapps inside of your containers you have to download the corresponding gapps package to your workspace. See gapps for 5.1.1 or gapps for 7.0.0

Build it

Just run

    # or for signed release builds
    make dist-all dist-sign

adb key for deployment of containers

The trust|me adb access to the root namespace (ramdisk) is only allowed to one host adbkey. This adb key is automatically generated during first build in /trustme/build/device_provisioning/test_certificates/dev.user.adbkey[.pub] You have to copy this key to your local adb configuration to be able to deploy containers later on.

Before you overwrite your adbkey make a backup:

cp ~/.android/adbkey ~/.android/adbkey.bak

Then copy the adbkey of the workspace to your configuration and restart adb

cd workspace
cp trustme/build/device_provisioning/test_certificates/dev.user.adbkey ~/.android/adbkey
adb kill-server

Alternatively you can copy your current host adb pub key to the test_certificats folder and rebuild the userdata image

cp ~/.android/ trustme/build/device_provisioning/test_certificates/
cp ~/.android/adbkey trustme/build/device_provisioning/test_certificates/dev.user.adbkey
make userdata_image

Flash device

Unlock hammerhead

To be able to flash trustme on the hammerhead device the bootloader has to be unlocked:

get device into fastboot mode: "Press and hold both Volume Up and Volume Down, then press and hold Power"

fastboot oem unlock

Flash hammerhead

The adb version needed for make deploy_images is 1.0.32! (usually we build this as part of the overall trust|me build)
press "Volume Down" hold it and then additionally press "Power"
Plugin mobile phone to USB port on PC

fastboot flash boot out-trustme/target/hammerhead/boot.img \
    flash recovery out-trustme/target/hammerhead/recovery.img \
    flash userdata out-trustme/target/hammerhead/userdata.img

fastboot reboot
make deploy_images

Change default usertoken password

Now you have deployed a development release to your device. The device generates a user token which is used to encrypt the containers data with the default password trustme. If you want to use the phone for real user data, you are strongly advised to change the password of this token before you start any container for the fist time!

# get token from device
adb pull /data/cml/tokens/testuser.p12 .
# unwrap token
openssl pkcs12 -in testuser.p12 -out tmpmycert.pem -nodes
# rewrap token
openssl pkcs12 -export -out newtestuser.p12 -in tmpmycert.pem
# remove temp file
rm tmpmycert.pem
# push new token and remove temp tokens
adb push newtestuser.p12 /data/cml/tokens/testuser.p12
rm testuser.p12 newtestuser.p12

or just replace the token with the generated test token in trustme/build/device_provisioning/test_certificates/dev.user.p12

adb push trustme/build/device_provisioning/test_certificates/dev.user.p12 /data/cml/tokens/testuser.p12


This is the build repository of trust|me OS for building the underlying OS of the Trusted Connector (x86 or ARM)








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  • Shell 66.0%
  • Makefile 28.6%
  • Python 5.4%